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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. I watched Fitzy in TC and was convinced he'd get cut. Trent was miles better in practice and far more accurate. Until you put them in a game....wow was I wrong. Fitz is a gamer. He's flawed but smart and plays without fear. You gotta love the guy and I'm going to shut my pie hole and see how the rest of the season plays out before clamoring for a 1st round QB.
  2. I'd take Wade as a DC on a heartbeat,
  3. You can't just wipe everybody out on a year. Changeover is multi year process. For next year keep: Edwards, K. Williams, Troup, Carrington, Coleman, Moats, Batten, Poz, Byrd, McKelvin, McGee, Florence, Corner, Wilson, and fill in the blanks with FA's and draft picks. The following year lose the weakest left standing.
  4. I'd take Fitzy, a 3rd and 5th rounder, a long snapper and an Eskimo Pie....WTF kinda thread is this? Why waste time on absurdities?
  5. Boo-Frickety-Hoo
  6. I think Troup acquitted himself very well. He showed a good push and is learning the pro game. I think he's got the tools to be a rock in the middle for us. I keep saying it. Play the kids. Get Carrington dressed and play him. We gotta find out what we got.
  7. I'm pleasently surprised. During TC I thought Nelson would be the #2. Stevie didn't look disciplined or fast enough. I love being wrong on this!
  8. I responded to that thread with something to the effect of let the kid play before we pronounce him dead. I'm still in that frame of mind. He did very well as a rook starting for the first time in the NFL against elite talent. But it's one game. The one thing I keep preaching is play the kids now. They have upside, Cornell Green doesn't! So far so good. Let's see if the kid develops. The one big positive is that after playing our young guys this year, we should know what we have and what we need going into the drat. Kudos to you for manning up with this post.
  9. Whatever. The kid played well and he has upside. That's what this season is now about, finding out what we have. Let's let the kid play a few games before declaring him crap. You know, even in a brutal season, you have to give credit when it's due every now and again. Relax, you can give the kid credit and still bash away next week.
  10. Wow, Gumby's got two posts and already a rule of thumb. Nonetheless there is some truth to it. Good QB's make a line better but you still have to say our tackles kept some pretty fierce DE's and LB's off of Fitz. They line is much bett4er w/o Green. I've been saying all along, don't lose with veterans and folks who are not part of the plan. Play the kids and so far, they are developing.
  11. Good post and food for thought. We sure need talent on the D side and I'm not sold on our DC. But I'd still rather be a 3-4 team. Nanker sees it that way as well and you may be right. As I said I liked Perry but whoever made the call on players I really tired of that defense.
  12. Troup, Howard, D. Bell, Moats even Coleman all played significant time. These young guys are our future and it was great to see them hold their own. Fitzy looks better every week. I, for one want to see how the season plus out before declaring what our number 1 pick should be.
  13. Apples and oranges. Most of those teams had better talent than we have and some tanked after they showed some improvement. Every situation is different and on our case we will slide before improving. We need to show steady improvement toasted the goal of competing for a title. What don't you get about how little talent the FO inherited?
  14. Yeah Thoner he really sucked. Fitzy made him look good like Manning & Brady make their OL's look good. C'mon an undrafted rook makes his first NFL start at RT against the Ravens and his number is never called and no true sacks allowed. I'll take that kind of crap play every week!
  15. Jeez Ice I thought you'd be happy after the demise of Trent and now you have Fitzy in your sights? Let the guy play before pronouncing him dead. I'm not saying he's the answer but he's playing well and this season is about seeing what we have to build with.
  16. I liked Perry, but hated the little fast defense. You could always count on them to fold in the 4th and never get off the field on third and long. It will take awhile to get this defense up to par but I couldn't see our past D making a stop in OT. We need big, strong and fast and frankly when we get better talent we'll be a defense that will out do Perry's.
  17. Hang in there SoCal. Hopefully you can find something to cheer for again here in B-LO. As for me, I'm glad I have a life and a NFL team. Being a Bills fan is not for the faint of heart but it sure beats the alternative!
  18. Yeah, and stayed the same or worse every season after that. That's NOT how to rebuild. Lose the crap and we are. Today the team played it's heart out and lost in overtime. That lesson will help all the young guys who played. The crap OL did'nt do badly at all and they almost all second the third year players. So crap on the FO all you want. I will look for signs of growth with young talent. We saw some today. Okay, cue the naysayers and the wailing wall of trolls. Have at it. Hey Junior, watch the game today?
  19. Because the hand-wringers just can't help repeating tbemselves. They think if they say it louder and often it will make more sense. Never does. We're in year one of a rebuild and it ain't pretty. Just deal with it.
  20. Never been through a rebuild have you? When you cut vets and changeover systems you take a few steps back before you improve . What don't you get here? We were a bad team that is being dismantled to build with new drafted players and some FAs. If you can't handle it - move on junior.
  21. Never bought into reading comprehension did we? Nobody is happy right now. But it is year one of a rebuild. So I find you death spiral and sky-is-falling tantrums laughable. Look, I'll say it again... Read closely. The FO ia not going anywhere for the next few years. They will be the ones calling the shots. DEAL with it. Even if you were 100% right - which you're not- it won't change the reality I just laid out. So whatcha gonna do junior- a primal scream thread weekly? This team will get better but it won't be soon.
  22. It's time for a QB. Burn a #1 or trade a #1 and get one. Need LB's and a RT after that.
  23. You had me all the way to you got to Vick. I don't want that dog butchering bastard on my team. Good to go on the rest of your post. Lines and QB's are where good teams invest.
  24. And as I wrote, you're not going to get a different FO than the one we have for years. So why shout at the shore trying to turn back the tide? Again, learn to deal with it and see that it may not all be doom and gloom. I don't care who they brought in as GM or coach, this team was going to suck this year. All I'm saying is you can scream and cry every week for the next 11 weeks or you can live in the moment and understand where we are and find some joy in the rebuilding. You're choice, your ulcer.
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