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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. That wasn't a diss of the Packers. It was a response to some posters who equated small market teams as freeloaders that don't generate the same revenue as larger market teams. The argument is that some owners would like to only large markets have teams. My point was two of the smaller market teams just played for the Superbowl.
  2. Hey GBF, welcome. Pulled hard for your Packers for the SB. Small market, cold weather teams gotta stick together. Happy to see the Farve monkey off Rodgers' back. I'm interested in the maturation of BJ Raji. He seemed not much of a factor last year but really started having some impact this season. We have a rook NT in Torrell Troup and we're hoping he picks it up next year. What made the diff with BJ? Strength training in the off season or just playing?
  3. +1. They likely wanted to give him time to catch on a 4-3 team. He's got some game left at DT in a 4-3. He tried and did what was asked of him. He gave us some good years and was a good teammate by all accounts. I wish him all the best.
  4. How about being on national TV and losing your job after getting caught trolling for chicks shirtless on Craigs List. Oh yeah, and your wife and family get to read all the lying emails. Oh and do that right before Valentines Day. Geez, what's a Homerish Pollyanna to do?
  5. We'll see. In the meantime I just can't abide any sorry ass "woe are we" posts like 8 in 8's. We're going to be a lot better next year. Your Jets are far from dominant.
  6. Why is everyone so high on Mathews. He's a small LB who can't cover. Don't we have our quota of those?
  7. Oh my, the little cloud that cried..... Gosh maybe you should start on some Prozac and stay away from sharp objects or things you may hang yourself with. You know, this is easy to fix for you, go root for the Jets! You seem to anyway.
  8. One of the "freeloaders" just beat another "freeloader" in the Superbowl.
  9. Shanny is arrogant and a spender. He was good when he had a great QB and so-so since. I was glad we didn't get him last year and moreso this year.
  10. The best lesson we can learn from Moby Dick is that all of us, no matter what race, creed, color or origin, are literally in the same boat and need to pull together to survive. That applies to Bills fans all the more!
  11. Congrats to all. So far this has been my favorite thread of 2011. Great information and intelligent discussion on a topic I've been thinking a lot about. Wish TSW had more threads like this.
  12. Start with the big dogs up front and the LB and DB play will improve. Then load up LB's and the DB play improves all the more. Then look at DB's. What the He'll is so hard to figure out?
  13. I agree. As Dankenstein pointed out, KW would have a OLB/rusher to the outside of him so he would spend most of his time doing more of a DT job, but he has the wheels and power to run down and control the edge. If you are of the mindset to "draft good players" and they'll fit in any system, then your questions about KW are answered. He's a player. He's going to excel. Besides, we will have a hybrid front depending on the offense we are playing. Troup will be fine this year with a pro-strength coach and year under his belt. He'll come in at around 325 or 330. Plenty big enough. We still need a back up. I don't like Shaun Rodgers for all the reasons mentioned, but what's the harm in bringing him in to spell Troup? I think a line of Dareus, KW, Troup, Edwards, Carrington and Rodgers would be a huge step forward and they will only get better.
  14. Dominated? Care to back that up? He's good, not great. He was good in his 4th year. Troup is entering his second year and that's when you see big gains (see Raji) If the price is right, sure bring him in. But don't break the bank on a guy with one decent year under his belt. Besides he played with much better talent than we have around him. I'm just saying if you're going to spend big, go for a ILB and/or a RT.
  15. We can only hope. If he would have said that a few years ago we'd all be yelling Orakpo!
  16. If Cameron Diaz wants to feed me popcorn, I'm good with that and I don't care who's watching.
  17. Maybe after she takes her finals and does college trips with dad? Maybe after the prom? I mean he's texting her for a "get together" and she has to tell him she can't because it's a school night or she's got homework. Maybe when she's old enough to vote? You get my theme here?
  18. Then we mostly agree. I never said it was illegal. I said it showed poor judgement and low character and I think less of him for it. That's what I said and except for the degree at which we each think it wrong, we are saying the same thing.
  19. Again, read the damn thread. I just happen to think lowly of a pro QB hitting up and bedding 17 year high school students. If that's old school, so be it. It just makes me think much less of the guy and IMO he showed pretty poor judgement. You think otherwise, fine. BTW, I don't have a daughter and my "venom" is not for MS (that's just disgust) the venom is for a few posters who can't or won't read before opening up their pie-holes. I don't have a hypothetical. The point was a seven year spread at one point becomes okay. I just don't think 24 and 17 is that line. Let the kid finish high school. Then again, what the Hell, he can take her to the prom.
  20. A beast? Says who? He played on a solid run defense with a few pro bowl LB's behind him. He had 33 tackles (KW had 54) and 2 sacks. He didn't make the pro bowl and the Bills even beat them. What has he done that is so lock-down beastly that we should shell out those kind of buck for a guy with one decent year under his belt? We have KW and Troup should be ready to step up next year. If you're going to drop big coin, get a ILB and/or a RT.
  21. How old are you? 12? The girl is 17. Teenagers make bad judgements all the time. Besides, read the damn thread junior. I didn't say MS did anything illegal. I said it showed poor judgement and character. He believes a teenager when she says I've checked, I'm legal. She lies, he's a rapist. Sound judgement from an NFL QB. It's sad when he can't handle anything above a teenager who's going to be late for homeroom the next day so he can take her to Jersy and have sex with her. If that's your kinda guy, I know all I need to know about you right now. Smart analogy. So if the boy is 13 and she's 7, that's okay. Use your head. The girl is in high school and he's a NFL QB. Not illegal, but pretty damn low character.
  22. It's about character and judgement- and Sanchez has neither. Nice to know he's on a intellectual and moral par with a high school girl who's one click away from being covered by the Mann Act and beneath the age of consent. Nice guy. That's all I'm saying. Did he just pass muster of being legal. Yup. That doesn't keep him from being a POS in my book. You guys think he's cool - fine. I think it shows a lot about his character, judgement and self esteem. Maybe MS can get her a hall pass tomorrow for quickie.
  23. Crayonz is right WEO. That was me. I already explained my sarcasm once to you and it didn't seem to sink in. I said, sarcastically, that maybe Sandchise saw deplorable behavior on the part of Pig Ben and thought he would emulate that as it doesn't seem to have done any harm to Ben - who beat the Jests and he got to play in the Super Bowl. You, of course took it literally as you apparently embrace NFL QB's hitting up high school girls, even on school nights. Crayonz, nor myself, didn't say he did anyting illegal, just deplorable and he seems to be heading down the primrose path to Pig-Ben-dom. Hey, why not scroll back and read the damn posts before you mistakenly tell us what we wrote.
  24. The site is not working right. Dareus is listed under "by name" but not "by position" so the site must be not fully functional. Good catch on Crayonz & BB avatar. They are the same.
  25. Well, you can say the same for just about 75% of our draft picks this past decade. As for TE, all the tools and no ability to use them in a real game. Watched him in training camp and he looked all-pro. Live arm, accurate and athletic. The season starts and he's the same lame Trent. Well, it's over with and Fitz is a big step up. Hopefully we pick up the future in this draft and let Fitz school him.
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