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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. I'd take Greggo for Crissakes if the commish would let us.
  2. The blocking sleds.
  3. This. You put a double move on Aaron Williams and he's like Hans Solo in carbonite. Pull A.Williams for McLovin until Brooks is ready. Sit Sheppard and activate Morrison.. Then trade for anybody better than Moats - shouldn't be too difficult. . Wanny owns this mess. When Byrd looks lost it's just crap coaching and scheming.
  4. Just fire him and end this. I miss Perry Fewell.
  5. You could have saved 29 more words and not posted at all. Why bother following the team if you're outlook is so bleak?
  6. They will both go down with the ship.
  7. Which is what? Go out and suck?
  8. Spent hundreds of millions, same result. I'm so disgusted I can't deal with this any more today. Why do I put myself through this.
  9. A pause in the roar Their heads lower, can this be? The Pats, 1 and 3!
  10. Hi Mr. Wilson, glad your feeling better. Now tell your billionaire buddies to stop disgracing our game.
  11. Meh, another Madden/Fantasy rant. Just win.
  12. It was a intercepted pass. Read the rule. The defender had first control of the ball. The replacement refs we're pathetic and repeatedly made absurd calls. Disgraceful.
  13. Please....It was the last and most pathetic call of a disgraceful series of blown calls. They are making this game a joke.
  14. Bills arrive and romp Browns fans are strangely serene Ahh, Art Modell dead!
  15. You look at KW and he just doesn't seem to be as strong, fast or powerful a man as some of the more chiseled and taller DT's out there. Yet he's a wrecking ball. I think San Jose has it right. KW is wide, low and plays with great leverage. He's also relentless. He is just a lot of fun to watch.
  16. Ummm, who would be the first?
  17. We stayed to the gun. Great game, great day. Fun to take it all in. What's the rush to wait in traffic?
  18. 57. Out of B'lo since 1985. As a kid we went to the airport to see OJ arrive! Saw the last game at the Rockpile and first game at Rich. Suffered most years and will suffer more I guess. It's my team. It is what it is, I am what I am, and I apologize for neither.
  19. Can we stop with the Florance fondness. They guy couldn't make it on the Bronks and this board was all over him during his time with the Bills. Our CB's a young and they are going to make you cheer one minute and make you crazy the next.(McLovin will just make you crazy - talking Gilmore and Williams) They will settle down and get better as the season continues. I blame Wanstache for the defensive turd we laid on Sunday.
  20. Maybe but you just wrote the first two lines of a haiku! I'll finish : Just one opinion The dumbest thing on this board Mods should smite this thread!
  21. Stevie did a flyover during the Jets game last year....or rather a fly down. Didn't end well but it was entertaining.
  22. Gang green, gagging, how? Run-stuff, run-stuff, wildcat, punt. Tebowing for naught
  23. Morrison will dress. We need all the run stuffers we can muster this week.
  24. The only thing Sanchez can do well is play action. If we stop the run we take that away. It's a big "if" however.
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