This thread was the most fun I have had this morning. It's been a crappy morning but maybe this will turn it around. Having taught a few college poly-sci and comm classes in my time I can tell you that writing is becoming a lost art.
Enough of this guard crap. Draft a damn quarterback at #8 and end this QB vacuum. If he doesn't work out, do it again next year. If that doesn't work, do it again in 2015.
It would be one thing is Easley showed some flash of promise in the few moments where he wasn't injured. But we just haven't seen it. Easley is as the OP suggests - a wildcard. I sure as Hell wouldn't bank on him.
Looking like it. I'm not unhappy with that strategy. I read a lot of posts saying no way on picking a quarterback at number 8. I say if they like a guy and think he could be our franchise guy then screw draftnics and pick him. Let's get a damn quarterback in here.
If they don't trade down they will go QB at 8. It's Nix's last year and he's promised to have a franchise QB in place before he leaves. Too risky to wait to 41. Bank it.