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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. I admire Willy's perseverance in pursuing a football career. Who knows? He may be back in the NFL someday.
  2. Likely he got by on his size and wingspan in college. Doing blunts probably didn't do much for his competitive drive or his desire to study. Hopefully being around pros and role models will rekindle his desire to play the game.
  3. Sigh, the enduring thread topic. Just sayin' that there's nothing more anyone can possibly add to the EJ discussion that hasn't been repeated a thousand times already so let's talk about something else.
  4. Cue the" our record depends on EJ" posts.
  5. Wow, if you've been told by a "couple of attorneys" ...well that settles that doesn't it? Incredible the connections you have...I mean couple, more than one attorney! Who are we to argue in the face of that?
  6. It's really simple . If we want to move up the power rankings we need to win more than 6 games.
  7. The comments after the article were fun to read. Man, I despise the Pats. Oh, and in!
  8. Pretty much where I am. Curious he took such a public meeting. He knew it would be in the media.
  9. Having worked in and out of politics most of my life, if you don't think politicians are behind the Patent Office's efforts then I vote you to be our new ambassador to Narnia. And by the way your attack on the old white guys is patently offensive, racist and ageist. Just sayin'.
  10. So if Mario had all those sacks at less cost would they consider him elite? KW is great but to rate Mario as just" good" is absurd.
  11. They should name the team after the pols in D.C.- how about "Hogs at the trough?"
  12. Our secondary was depleted and banged up all year. Plus this is a new group of linebackers for this year. That said, I agree with you that we need to dominate and get off the field when its go time. And man am I ever anxious to see what we got this year.
  13. Just stop listening. Worked for me. He's a smug,rude jerk. If you saw him walking in your direction you'd likely try and cross the street,so why listen and boost his ratings? If enough of you stop listening, the magic of the market will get him gone and doing traffic on a daytimer station in the southern tier.
  14. In before the nascent" search function" admonition.
  15. I was rather hoping to not hear that name mentioned on TBD this off season. This will now certainly open the door to threads on Hamden and Skelton.
  16. I dismissed the thread's premise immediately...that is until dummass Dareus continued his vehicular stupid tour. I think DT is now an area of need. And we may as well grab us some more Williams while we're at it.
  17. And the gift keeps on giving. Nicely done....but don't string it along! 😃
  18. I have to say the FO has been on point so far. So let's see what the HC, OC, and DC have got.
  19. Been tied up all day long and this is the first thread I had to open....
  20. TJ for Skelton even up....Umm, where is Skelton these days?
  21. This. His stuff is music mom would like. It will be good when we get a new owner, keep the team and shove a power ballad up JBJ's a**.
  22. I just hope we run more from the spread like Chan used to do, particularly on short yardage situations. I screamed every time Hackett would send Freddie or CJ into a pile for no gain. I agree that SW will greatly diversify our passing game and an improved O line will factor in hugely. It seems to work on paper at least.....
  23. No paragraphs? A pain to read but easy to overcome. Your antagonism and bile, not so much.
  24. Lyerla is a democrat.............relax....I kid! It's not a great time to add a time-bomb TE to your squad given the bean town mess.
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