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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. Dunno guys, trying to keep upbeat on EJ and Hackett for that matter, but they are losing me.
  2. Just want to say thanks to Yolo. (You as well JR) I'm feeling a lot better about the O than I was last night at this time. You guys really are appreciated for your dedication and accurate coverage.
  3. Williams does look strong and just bigger than the DB'S he's going against. He just wins battles. He's also being a good citizen and team mate. So, Hell yeah, why not get excited!
  4. If we were not in a" win now for the new owner mode" there's no question SH would be out opening day RT. I'm not sure of that now. I'd start Cordy at LT, Seantrel at RT and make Hairston the swing tackle. Pears is odd man out and a trade possibility.
  5. Apparently your hero took it to new and sordid heights that was deemed so severe that the Commish had the evidence destroyed before the public could see it. And if everybody did it, it ain't the Commish's way to single out BB. Hey, great team and a HOF coach, but he cheated, got caught and only received a slap on the wrist. Deal with it and accept that to many other fans and ex-players, those SB wins deserve an * in the books.
  6. Oh brother Giselle, get a clue. Fact- when BB didn't know what plays the other team was going to run, he hasn't won the SB. The Pats should have been treated like Lance and stripped of their titles.
  7. Whew! Now we got us some depth.
  8. I'd enjoy it more if he'd stop locking on his receivers and patting the ball. Just Sayin'.
  9. Maybe, but the guy catches everything in reach and at full speed. He runs crisp routes and gets separation. I agree with what Yolo said in another thread. Looking at Woods, MW and Hogan, did we need to burn 2 firsts on Sammy?
  10. No fool like an old fool.
  11. Lotta pages for what is one man's rant. Just sayin'
  12. A bust or will his bust be in Canton? We should know by the 3rd pre-season game...3 weeks is more than enough to judge a rookie wideout don't you think? #Eric Moulds
  13. Lame letter. The Dean (welcome back) is right-nothing has changed. There is no declaration that he won't move the team and furthermore, he's only a minority owner. He just got a face full of the Buffalo-fest that is this HOF weekend and Andre's blast has him on the PR defensive. I gotta believe that if the NFL owners had no regard for the implications of moving the team then JBJ wouldn't have been backtracking with this letter. Go Pegula!
  14. Spent many happy nights in Canada. Used to go to George's Good Food for lunch , get gas and be back downtown Buff all in one lunch hour. Southern Ontario, NF and B-LO are all the same folk. We love our hockey, football and beer. This is not about us, it's about the egos and greed of a few multi millionaires who would rape a city to have a prestigious new toy. Eff'em. JBJ is a POS. Let's hang together and fight the good fight. Go Pegula, go Bills!
  15. Bulldog eats kale and never uses gender specific language. Oh, by the way, IN!
  16. Where do you go to get a coffee for a qquarter?
  17. I just commented to my brother less than 5 minutes ago that the Cuse coverage has been outstanding. They're a welcome addition and the D&C and B'News should take some notes.
  18. He's here a week and playing against Mario Williams and Jerry Hughes and he's struggling? Bust!
  19. Ditto. Coudn't go tonight.
  20. "...and your little dog too"
  21. Hard to argue the piece. EJ has mirrored all of this behavior. When Hackett implores EJ to "trust what you see" he is trying to get him to throw before the break, which EJ has done and was improving upon. The worst of EJ was on exhibit in the Steelers debacle. Let's hope he builds on last year. If EJ is average, I think we make the playoffs.
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