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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. A thread so fine it had to be done twice!
  2. The steady swishing sound of whiffs at QB.
  3. Enter the Bear's den Be not afraid, it's our time Ursa Major fail!
  4. TBD rule, all EJ, all the time. EJ playing on D as well would generate the threads you seek; i.e., if he played safety we could have a thread about whether he locks on to one receiver. If a CB, footwork. LB, slow eyes, and so forth.
  5. This is not a hard question. I'd take him in a NY minute.
  6. Matthew Fairburn of the Syracuse paper has been a great edition. Fair and really active. I like Joe B and Gaughn. Keep the rest.
  7. If the OP is correct, this could be the most important TBD thread if the season!
  8. ...and someone wanted to consolidate all EJ threads into one giant one! Ha! There must be 50 ways to start an EJ thread.
  9. This is great stuff! Thanks Jboyst! Man that is one big OL we have. Hope they start mauling!
  10. Sigh, I just got done declaring that all threads are EJ threads and now this. Has to be a bridge to EJ somehow. As for Moeaki, just one of those guys that can't stay on the field. I'm hoping Goodwin isn't another.
  11. Ain't gonna happen. All thread are EJ threads.
  12. Why would anyone accuse eball of trolling in the first place? He wasn't trashing EJ, he knew others would pick up that ball and run with it.
  13. Over the next several weeks we'll have all the information we need about EJ. It's useless to speculate now. I'm not feeling it and the FO's Orton signing shows their concern but the kid may be a gamer. We'll see. I'm tired of talking about it. It's go time so let's see what we got.
  14. Unless we sign Michael Sam. Then ESPN will like us again. Who cares what ESPN or any national media thinks. Respect comes from winning. Just win.
  15. Well MW said the one Pittsburgh practice was the best he's ever seen EJ - but that's about it. EJ calling out Woods and FJ for "drops" on poorly thrown passes can't be going over too well in the locker Rom.
  16. With Sam out of the picture it'll be all Manziel TV time. Christ.
  17. As always, DC's will come up with a way to stop it, just like the pistol, read option, no huddle, wildcat and other innovations preceding it.
  18. I'm INfuriated watching them race to a three and out when they should be eating the clock. Maybe cost us a game last year
  19. It would be good feeling to have Rex and Orton in the bullpen.
  20. I have in preseason. Let's see a few games in the regular season. I'm upbeat about our tackles and center and hopeful the guards pan out. The FO went heavy in the draft on the OL and it looks like two hits and one whiff. These are big boys and if they gel, could be dominant. But yeah, not looking great this preseason.
  21. My internalization is the FO is operating in a "one and done" atmosphere with a new owner coming in. I don't think they would pay $5 mil for a back-up if they did't fully intend on using him If EJ falters. To me, they are operating in a "just win baby" mode and they'll do some short term things to make it so.
  22. You cannot argue this FO hasn't made significant strides. It has and we have more talent than we've had in a decade. The coaching this preseason has shaken my faith however, and that is a FO issue if this season goes south. The latest cuts and the Orton signing are positives, for me at least. It can't be easy to operate with new ownership hanging like a sword over their heads.
  23. Nuff said. This should answer the OP'S question.
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