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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. Bill Nye debunked the pre-schooler but they will likely have NASCAR get involved.
  2. One game for deflating his tires before the drag race. A couple psi drop per tire gives him better traction and an unfair advantage.
  3. Don't know about the rest of you but for this particular draft, I have no gut feel for what they are going to do. I hope they are aggressive in FA and go BPA in the draft.
  4. Meanwhile, Goodell and Kraft structure their BS excuse and prepare to obfuscate and deny.
  5. Well if Beef Jerky isn't b'slapping the OP then I say great tip and hope it's true!
  6. Not too many can. Different responsibilities and demands.
  7. This is the only scenario that a McCown signing can be stomached.
  8. Long, tall fast TE is the easy answer.
  9. You probably watch Fallon and enjoy celebrity beer pong.
  10. Sure, I hope he's got a big ass freezer. I shot 3 deer this year. We'll eat two and I gave the other to my sister. An average Buffalo will likely get you 1,600 lbs of meat. But even if he gives it away this just rubs me wrong. Things I shoot generally don't stand and stare at me when chewing their cud or amble by me in a herd. Maybe it's just me, but I would be ashamed to shoot what is really a big cow and claim it's a hunt.
  11. Christ, just saw this. I hunt a lot, deer, antelope, turkey, pheasant, but I don't shoot anything I don't eat. Why the Hell would you shoot a Bison or a Buffalo? FN lame. Big man. He'll probably say it was charging him, likely it was grazing or napping.
  12. Met him as a kid at a high school. He looked Like a giant to me. Way to young to pass.
  13. LIkely that plus the lack of class and discretion he showed leaving. The way he informed his players and the trashy PR campaign he mounted upon leaving let GM's know he'd do the same to them.
  14. Can't see him not getting a significal suspension. So if we acquire him we won't have him for likley half of the season. May still be worth it.
  15. So he can take out a little guy with a purse but not stand up to a trash talking guy his size is what I'm getting. It's good in one way, if he flames out in the NFL he'd make a hellova mall cop.
  16. You're a bit delusional. With a lick of ability as an "offensive guru" Marrone should have had this team in the playoffs. The only reason we are 9 and 7 is because of the defense -- the one thing Marrone didn't have anything to do with. Bunch formations, three tight end sets and a incredible inability to get the ball to our playmakers is directly hung around St. Doug's neck. Good riddance.
  17. You missed tbe point. Chan way outperformed Marrone on the offensive side withe the same or less talent, particularly on the Oline. Marrone outperformed Chan as HC thanks,to two great DC's period.
  18. Sorry, wrong. Chan took a bad OLine and CJ and produced a solid running game. With almost the same talent Marrone produced crap.
  19. Do they have slow eyes?
  20. Here's your posts on the OP: "I don't care if he just had a good guess. He will return until he gets something wrong that is how all these ICB guessers are." And this direcdtly to the OP: "Let's see the next guess you have." Yeah, you were on the sidelines....sure. If you're going to flame, don't run from it.
  21. This from the guy who lead the charge in berating the OP.
  22. Okay. Then let's be realistic about him starting for the Bills. Are you with Jerky and think RI isn't good enough to start for us?
  23. Pro bowl in 2012. He'll start. One more Guard spot to go.
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