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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. I'll believe in EJ when he can hit an open receiver on a simple damn slant or seam route and maybe throw the ball before the receiver breaks. He is still showing the same hesitant decision making and dreadful accuracy that got him benched. I would love to be proven wrong but I have zero expectations for this guy.
  2. Percey should hold a "hated players only" party.
  3. Watch, Kaitlin Jenner will sign up creating a big ESPN debate on what constitutes an "all girl" party. All in all, this is an exceedingly bad idea by Shady.
  4. I was 8 years old when I first heard Van call a game. It's a voice and a style that forever rings in head. I collect antique radios, and would crank up an old Motorola or Crosley to hear that voice on game days well into my 50's. Nothing sounded better than Van on an old 5 tuber. He called some of the iconic games of my life. We were privileged to have him. Peace to Van and his family.
  5. Working in radio for many years, I know just how difficult it is to go unscripted for hours at a time without repeating and regurgitating the same stuff. Van kept it fresh, kept it real and did it with style and enthusiasm that perfectly mirrored the emotions of his listeners. He never pumped up the action, he called it as it was. When Van got excited,it was for real, we knew it, so we caught that excitement from him. I missed him the moment he retired. I hope he hangs in there to enjoy the ride ahead.
  6. Whatever. You're in denial and point to anything but the core issue, just like your hero Brady. He cheated, lied about it and you're only concerned with things that draw attention away from that fact. You may sputter and rant all you want about process and sidebar issues, but the rest of the nation has concluded the obvious. Brady cheated and lied and refuses to take responsibility for his actions. Worse yet, he used two underling employees to do his dirty work. Shameful. You sound like you will never admit the obvious. The rest of us know the deal. I don't know what else to tell you. I wish you well.
  7. Well if it's so trivial why didn't your boy just fess up like a man and admit it? No, he lied, obfuscated and continues to do so. And last time I checked, taking responsibility for one's actions wasn't "right wing", it was just the right thing to do. Brady cheated and lied about it. All else is not important.
  8. Like I said. His guilt is apparent to all save his moonie followers. People like you are half the trouble with this country right now. Nobody wants to take responsibility for anything, they'd rather blame the system or blame somebody else. Brady is a cheater. Why can't you accept that?
  9. The report was conclusive and Brady uncooperative and devious. Brady's guilt is evident to all save for his groupies. The texts, lies and video of his lame press conferences has informed the vast majority of people of what we always suspected since the first Patriot cheating caper - that Brady is a liar and a cheater. Deal with it.
  10. I am concerned with stopping the run. Didn't do it under Pettine and I am more that a little curious about how they will do now under a similar system.
  11. Bust! C'mon. I'd rather EJ spend his time improving his accuracy and his ability to read and react to defenses than do face time in B'lo.
  12. This. A fitting cherry on the Fluellen thread parfait.
  13. Well, interestingly put, but it indeed appears to be the case.
  14. Never liked him. Always sang "music mom would like" to me. The Bill's pursuit was the cherry on the sh*t parfait.
  15. Charles Krauthammer just put odds on all of the dozen or so GOP presidential wannabes, so what's the harm in fans speculating who is ahead/behind a QB competition? It's TSW for crissake, we don't need a beat writer telling us to stop doing what the national media does daily. That said, the report the OP cited was as bogus as it gets.
  16. Why all the naysaying? Things are looking up with our new coach and QB - Mularky and Losman.
  17. Choice 3 - The Bills miss the playoffs on a last minute field goal to the Patriots Who subsequently are caught with an over inflated special team ball and DQ'd. So the Bills get in but QB's still stink, but we win our first playoff playoff game by going all wildcat and wish bone. A stupid choice but right in line with the first two.
  18. Huh? The Bills win the AFL Championships the 2 years prior to SB1. The AFL wins SB 3.That's a secondary league?
  19. Great player. Played guard and center at 243 lbs! Would have made a fine Supervisor of Cheektowaga as well if he would have won.
  20. Situation solved here. Who needs them? Be careful what you ask for.
  21. This. He produces this year or moves on. I think he rebounds this season with some talent around him and no more idiot coaches.
  22. That the pace of the game will change when he's in the game? Just sayin'.
  23. Maybe Bellicheat goes Chip Kelly and wants to prove it's the system and his coaching that wins the day a not Brady.
  24. Hey Spags, why didn't we hear from you after we B'slapped the Jests twice last year? Got more of the same for you this year. Enjoy a other year of Geno. Fitz will be your starter soon enough. He'll do well enough until a last minute turnover by him tears your heart by out. You got a good D but ours is better. Beat the Cheats and see if you can stay ahead of the Phins. Go Bills!
  25. Shady produced, CJ did not. Sorry, that's just the fact.
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