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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. Believe what you will
  2. That's what a real OC does, figure it out and scheme to a Q 's strength. Dorsey must have figured shotgun draws and long passes on 3rd and 1 would save the day.
  3. There were multiple articles and interviews with Josh on his choice to replace Daboll. Here's one. https://heavy-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/heavy.com/sports/buffalo-bills/josh-allen-ken-dorsey-offensive-coordinator/amp/?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_ct=1700008525408&amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=17000084480355&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fheavy.com%2Fsports%2Fbuffalo-bills%2Fjosh-allen-ken-dorsey-offensive-coordinator%2Famp%2F%23amp_ct%3D1700008525408%26amp_tf%3DFrom%20%251%24s%26aoh%3D17000084480355%26referrer%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com Josh wanted Dorsey as he was comfortable with him.
  4. Well, maybe not improved but different would be nice.
  5. How? It's pathetic now.
  6. There is. Dorsey was Josh's pick for OC. They had a buddy to buddy relationship and not a mentor relationship he had with Daboll. Josh has played like crap. Is it him or the scheme. Now that the year is shot, time to find out.
  7. If Beane stays perhaps he may learn that OLs are important and that 10 crap Jags is less than 5 quality players.
  8. Valid points. But you grow your game when your OC is your boss and not your buddy. Josh needs a guru to make him grow as a QB. He regressed a lot under Dorsey.
  9. One good thing: we're finally playing complementary football, all three phases suck.
  10. Right. But then just point to the results. Our elite QB is a turnover machine and we insist the way to get a 3rd or 4th and one is to shotgun 5 yards from the LOS. Mostly due to the crap OL we have.
  11. Get ready for the D to give up gobs of yards on the ground and the O to sputter again. Bills will let them hang around and it will be a white knuckle, last play decides the game affair. I don't place to watch that movie again.
  12. Butch Byrd Robert James Antoine Winfield Booker Edgerson Mario Clark We've had some great CBs.
  13. Last year we had Tre. This year if Jackson or Benford go down we got Josh Norman. This is a solid pick up and if Tre does come back, a potentially great CB tandem.
  14. It's for when we get to the 1 yard line and not get stuffed for once.
  15. Not on the D. Offense should have closed out the game and not punt it back. Great teams and QBs wouldn't have given the ball back. Our offense cannot close games out, give the ball back for white knuckle time repeatedly.
  16. Dorsey needs to stop running from the shotgun on the damn goaline and get this team to make crucial 1st downs to close out a game. Two runs up the middle and a failed third and long is not getting it done, but that's his damn MO.
  17. This. This team and coaching staff has repeatedly let teams back into games and turned a comfortable win into a white knuckler. Say what you want but if Brady and the Pats had a lead and the ball with 5:00 left in the game, it was over. We do not hand have never had that killer instinct.
  18. In the waning seconds of the game, we had Mayfield for a sack only to find McD called a time out. Instead of a few seconds left, the clock was reset to 16 seconds. He's had several TOs that cost us in the past as well.
  19. Umm, and gave the ball back soon after with enough time on the clock so they could have one more crack at a score. Close it out like the big boys do.
  20. I'll be on Dorsey until he actually can close a game out and get a first down in crunch time. 3:00 left in the game, close it out. We can't do it.
  21. This team is incapable of closing a game out. Can't make that vital 1st down or can't get off the field. Bonehead penalties on 4th down stops. We go ultra conservative and make what should be a solid win into a white knuckler. We do this over and over. Great teams finish. We cannot.
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