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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. I'm suggesting the Bills should just draft a damn QB instead of passing over quality starters that other teams pick up after we pass the over because they are not franchise QB's by our FO's estimation. We'll see what the coach McD era brings us.
  2. Right now yes. Before the injury? Different story. Besides you're getting sidetracked. The statement I reacted to was that there are "no franchise QB's in this draft. My point is we always hear that from the Bills and then see Russell Wilson and Dak, etc start and win for other teams. That's the point. Debate Bridgewater all you want. (I'd take a healthy Bridgewater over TT any day.) If you don't draft QB's you'll never get one.
  3. Before the injury, Bridgewater was looking great. Last pick of Rd.1. Could have been a Bill but we doubled down on Sammy. Just saying we never see a F QB in the draft - other teams seem to.
  4. Seems like there's never a FQB available to us the Bills FO always tell us. Well, tell that to Minnesota, Seattle, the Raiders and Dallas. Guess they did't buy into that talk.
  5. We have white and black athletes on the Bills and we haven't been to the playoffs in 20 years. I'd say we have a postseason divide.
  6. And cheating.
  7. Gee, it cut it for the Bills. They had all those numbers and it's EJ out - TJ in. I'll go with their rationale.
  8. Spend a happy day watching EJ's last three starts. It that's your guy, great. I'm moving on.
  9. Really? Take a day and watch EJ's last 3 starts. Shove the stats. McCoach knows what he has in TJ and feels he won't be the complete fail EJ is should he be called on to play.EJ is a great guy and team player, but Just a bad QB.
  10. It is beyond me that anyone can honestly say EJ is better than TJ. EJ is an automatic loss if he starts. Yates won't win you the game but he's far less likely to lose it for you ala EJ.
  11. Good. After hearing for years how all the QBs in a draft suck only to see quality starters emerge almost yearly, start thinking more broadly.
  12. If that idiot FO of ours wouldn't have signed any FAs, we'd be in comp-pick hog heaven right now, dammit!
  13. Always nice to hear you. After rooting hard against you for the first 2 Superbowls (old AFL guy) GB is a team I admire and root for, except of course against us. Small market and cold as Hell, we have a lot in common. Now if we can just have some of your success with great QBs!
  14. Can't believe anyone could read the fake quote from Goodell and not know! C'mon.
  15. Then the FO are the only people in WNY that is comfortable with Mills playing RT.
  16. OK, one last time. No, I am saying clicks drive his bile even more to extreme views to drive more to read his stuff. He's more negative than ever. Now there is an newsroom tool to track in real time and for all to see, every time someone clicks on his story. This is leading many writers to go to more extremes to provoke readers to read them - to agree or to loathe them - doesn't matter, a click's a click. So if you don't like his stuff, don't read it. If enough folks do it, editors and publishers take note. There, I'm done laying it out. If you done agree, whatever.
  17. Well, that's a gift of his I suppose. I get it. I just stopped one day and don't miss it a bit. Maybe an age thing. You just decide life's to short for crap and there's a lot of crap out there!
  18. It's not a complicated issue Weo. If people don't read Sullivan, he either changes his takes or the company takes note of his diminshed readership. You don't like argument, fine. I worked in media for many years and I know clicks are the new normal. So we disagree, and frankly I don't care, The days of paper boys delivering papers and nobody knows what happens after that are long gone.
  19. It doesn't matter good or bad. All they care about is that it's read. The writers with the highest read percentage are the golden boys. To stay on top they like to push the envelope towards the fringes. Short story, if you don't like the crap he writes, don't read him. In big enough numbers, it has impact as it is tracked.To your point, if enough people don't rwad him, click in him, it means he's losing relevance and may try a different angle instead of just bile.
  20. With what? Jones, Mahomes or Watson?
  21. Did they mention Mahomes in those threads? Maybe that could be a new topic.
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