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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. The pattern of younger guys ready to take the next step is emerging. From McD, Beane on down. Could we be getting it right at long last?
  2. The White Shadow or Hayden Fox?
  3. On the one hand, if you're a newbie starting a thread here, the lifers will kick your a**. On the other hand, there are four Beane threads working now. I am conflicted.
  4. Yeezus didn't like the search process? Well, shite, he also doesn't like, um...anything.
  5. Then where do all the fullbacks play?
  6. That's why I singled him out,not for laziness, but for attutude.
  7. A good soldier bitches. It's okay to B word every now and again. The hand-wringing, whining, trolling, everything sucks crowd can now take over this thread and doom & gloom to their hearts delight.
  8. It shows he: 1) Works at his craft 2) Gives a damn about his job 3) Is plugged in The other chuckleheads mentioned let others do the work and just pile on. And in Sullivan's case just look for a bowl of Cheerios to p*ss in.
  9. I just don't want to attend a game and see him laid out and damaged any more than he is. I was at the NE game when it first happened. Terrible to watch. He's healthy enough to lead a normal life. That's a victory and a gift at this point. Time to move on.
  10. Ridiculous. If he performs he gets extended.
  11. Well thought out! The board gives me a chuckle a day and this was today's.
  12. If he can tackle, McCoach will like him.
  13. This is a non isue. A GM doesn't get into schemes. If the two get along and Beane has a plan to build a sustainable successful team, that's all you need.
  14. Pats die when Brady does. Boston Pat fans are fair weather and who gives a rat's rump what they think. Let's just rough up Marcia and take a game from them.
  15. A tweener in Rd 1. Maybin and Flowers still burn my stomach lining.
  16. You have to wish him well. He's got some solid skills and made some great moves and trades. His stubbornness was an asset and his downfall. I hope he takes the lessons learned and puts his skills to use somewhere and finds success. Remember, he took over from Buddy on the tail end of the uber dysfunctional Bill's RWW days and put us on a better path. He made some bad missteps, but I still like and respect him. It's just time to move on. I don't understand the glee people are getting from his firing. Especially from the hyenas at the BN.
  17. Were all your 18,000 posts on BBMB so insightful and well thought out?
  18. That's closer to the truth, his back was a constant issue. Still his arm wasn't an asset. From the film I have been watching, Peterman's arm looks to better than what I remember of Chad's days.
  19. So with Monos and Fischer also gone and Overdorf with a sword over his head, is it really wise to zero out your entire organization when it comes to evaluating and signing players? Maybe "continuity" was a bad word here but gutting the place seems extreme. I hope they have people lined up to step in and are not starting from scratch today.
  20. Umm, just a bit.
  21. Agree. McD seems as ruthless and methodical as Bellicheat, maybe this is what we need.
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