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Buffalo Barbarian

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Everything posted by Buffalo Barbarian

  1. Yeah the no rack is a downer. Slow down statuary!!
  2. Like the physicality Ristolinen is bringing, nice to see the opposition knocked on their butts.
  3. Jonah is the man, will be elated if we get him.
  4. do you remember a guy here named San Jose Bills Fan? He hasn't been on in years, was really good with the draft, a!ways liked him.
  5. That was a cheap shot. I was dozing off a bit in the third and missed it. I think he will play against Ohio State , going to take a lot more than that to keep him out. Perfect, now we can be the first NFL team to have song girls instead of cheerleaders. I really do miss the Jills, they weren't the greatest but added to the atmosphere of the game.
  6. So annoying that BC lost to Florida State, have been in on them this year.
  7. Really hoping for Williams in the first but hope Zach Allen in the second . Reminds me of a 90% JJ Watt which is still pretty good. He definitely fits what McD is looking for.
  8. Must have been a trap game, Looking ahead to Michigan, who didn't look the greatest either
  9. I missed what happened to him? This was the first game I saw where he wasn't in on a lot of plays.
  10. The super bowl era.would be cool and we need a lot more red in are uniforms. They are just to blue right now. Love this helmet https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=xVsEFHwd&id=4985052CD5A938147CB797CFC44F0E0BD824163B&thid=OIP.xVsEFHwd0b2y57Ongg0g6AEsEA&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.gogogretchen.com%2ffile%2f181864258070_1.jpg&exph=431&expw=505&q=buffalo+bills+blue+helmet&simid=608049964608589657&selectedIndex=227&ajaxhist=0
  11. Have you seen him play? Why do you want him at guard??
  12. how about Dawkins at LG? Williams is an elite pass blocker and not the most rugged guy , so guard would be a big mistake. He is not a guard. If anything he also played right tackle and we could finally move on from Mills.
  13. No, it just shows your ignorance.
  14. Not a can of the Notre Dame uniforms.
  15. No I don't blame him for that but I why stay on the team, just to focus on the NFL . no I (and anybody watching warmups ) saw him running and making cuts. Not hard to figure out.I
  16. Did you see him running around?? He's fine and a b!tch, no thanks , besides there are a lot better guys than him, don't need divas here.
  17. It's called turnovers which is why are losses and wins have been big. Don't you worry you will be saying McBeane are the greatest soon.
  18. Attacking your head coach during the game is moronic. I would kick him off the team. He obviously doesn't want to be there and his knee is fine, if he was a real man he would just leave the team to focus on the NFL
  19. why are you responding ? Um let's see, we could draft him, so ... seriously ?? many think we will go defense with our first pick, so it is not moot. this draft has tons of high level defenders so unless we are in the right spot to one of the few offenders ,don't be surprised if there is a defensive pick. Somehow I think they will see this differently.
  20. I knew you would be here to dispense your great wisdom , just can't help yourself from saying stupidity.
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