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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Do you know a place that serves all their food in purée form?
  2. They party like elderly rockstars!!! White Russians made with Ensure, lines of Metamucil after shows, rolling up a fat lavender J to take the edge off... .... Shots of old grandad
  3. His grandson is probably still in school for the next few hours... However, he can call a travel agent and start making plans to show up at the TBDAHOT and shake his cane at him! Gugny has been so kind to me, I find it hard that these allegations are factual... Actually, once I started paying his mortgage (for what he calls "internet protection") he has been nothing but polite!
  4. This thread could be the most ridiculous one of the year so far.... Howard, welcome to the board, however getting mad about being duped into deleting your own first post is nothing like challenging you or damaging your property... Truth be told, I'm sure the thread would have gotten you some nice "welcome's" and maybe a few smart ass comments, but would be quickly forgotten by all that viewed it. If you are old Enough to have a grandson, you are probably old enough to be able to take a joke.... Moving on...
  5. I hope Gugny has trouble sleeping at night... Apparently he was never taught to respect his elders!
  6. In PA it's called institutional rape... We have had several females fired or "resign" because of this... Not a huge fan of working with females in this setting because of this... On the other hand, I work with some that do a kick ass job... Inmates aren't in prison because they are smart...
  7. Hahahaha- you actually did it!!!!! Quick question... What was the nature of your beloved "first post"? (I'm sure it was epic) Are you Ernie "Howard" Adams?
  8. I think that all starts with Garrison Sanbourn.... I have his jersey, lol
  9. Because he could refuse to sign and then enter the draft the following year. As an UDFA that isn't an option Beat me to it- should have read further
  10. Wasn't he a 7th round selection?
  11. I'm officially confused about their draft
  12. I already bought the fight... Who's coming over to watch it?
  13. Wayne, you want to tie up 3 or 4 pages fighting over some BS? We can kick this thread off the way the last one ended... Hahahaha
  14. Havenstein looks soft.... Not sure why I think that...
  15. Hope this bickering doesn't bleed over to the 3rd round thread
  16. Thank god Roger didn't have to try and say that name!!!
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