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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. I felt for $5.99/month I was enTITled to a little nip Anatomy and physiology
  2. Hey! Those were educational!!!
  3. As soon as that dude brings back all the national geographic magazines that he failed to deliver to my residence, I will consider it!!!
  4. Howard is originally from Coward, SC
  5. I haven't seen that movie... Have you seen the movie "Up"? You remind me of that old man
  6. Take a deep breath bud- it will be just fine... Regarding your anger issues: I visited a senior assisted living home and spoke with some of their older members about how to deal with stress and frustration at that age- several drooled, others said they do their puzzles or watch their programs... I hope those help..: if there is anything else that I can do to assist, please have Shirl call.... My number is saved in her phone... Stay safe my elder warrior! I try not to hug people of significant age. They break easily, and with the way social security took a dump, I fear that Howard wouldn't hesitate to look for a cheap payday and call 888-888-8888
  7. How can I keep my marriage hot?
  8. The mobilizers are busy mobilizing... I just assumed you had your fish oil, and all those natural meds.... Surely Shirley takes care of you- she needs you at peak performance for your "neckin'" sessions... Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. Neither snow nor rain nor heat not gloom.... Finish that one pal
  9. I just show up to home games and he shares them with me... He's a nice man
  10. Howard- I have missed you so much... Maybe you should put a note on your pill box, every time you take a pill, check tbd.... TBD = this site
  11. It would be playing directly into his plan, but I would grab a fist full of change and give it my all... I may not get him with the quarter, but I bet some nickels and dimes connect
  12. How quickly this turned from a Stromboli thread to a love triangle..: time to moon walk out of this mess, lol
  13. Two men would have been 20 miles down the road by the time he checked on his stuff... Just one more reason men make better thieves, lol I have a similar video from the TBDAHOT.... Only difference is mrs Cletus caught me and beat the S HIT OUT OF ME!!
  14. Please watch Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, and it should answer most of your questions... Although, given your perverted love for animals, it may bring forward more questions than it answers- just remember that it is NOT alright to love up on furry critters
  15. Thin, indeed... But it's also too short to slice According to Shirl...
  16. Not to be confused with that time you were offered to lick a mailbox for a wheat penny, and did it. Or even worse, that time during the revolutionary war when you were given a chicken to lick something far less respectable...
  17. I thought all Jews were attorneys
  18. Raccoon or beaver Woodchuck
  19. Maybe CBF and thebug work together....
  20. Something that a lot of people fail to consider is that our team is becoming pretty solid, we have the luxury to start signing and drafting for depth instead of need. I think a good example of that would be the drafting of Darby and Williams. If they knock people's socks off in camp, they may get an opportunity sooner, if they take a year or two to develop- they are ready when we need them. I hope we are able to continually build our franchise like this- it's how perennial playoff teams operate
  21. I have never been a big collector... But recently I started collecting photographs of Shirl.... I have them all over my room- walls, ceiling, lamp shades.... I even lay one on the pillow next to me when I go to bed... I guess when you find one thing that really drives you- you surround yourself with those collectables!!!
  22. I'm a transplant... Wife grew up in Sheffield
  23. Exactly, it's a "Finkle and Einhorn" situation
  24. Orton should make the top 60......0..... Yes... 600
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