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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Howard knows better than anyone about getting something run up in them on Saturdays.... That's the day he runs around in drag
  2. You draft dodging decrepit old bastard.... You are as American as Toshiba.... You've done zero for this country and less for this message board... Does TRBJ = Howard???
  3. Wise.... Seems to my like Shirl wears the pants in that house... He has to run her everywhere, then when it's time to do some grass cutting or any other labor he has a "spell".... Sounds like a real cat.... Wait no... Not cat.... It's something that means cat... I can't remember the right word...
  4. I can't wait to hear how he tried to join the REAL service, but was denied entry due to his flat feet.... Morons like that typically didn't make the cut because they were too scared or didn't pass the ASVAB 40 plus years delivering things, and I have to be the one to teach him how to deliver a right hook.... Sad....
  5. Howard... This is your first and final warning... From someone that has been in the military for 15+ years, don't refer to you punk ass mail carrying job as the service, or your lame ass as being a serviceman. Continuing to do so will result in one of two things- Feeding tube or obituary.... Don't worry, I'm sure your dog will Be right there with you...
  6. I hate metaphors... I think she may have directed you to no longer put your coupon book in her mail slot, she clearly preferred you deliver the coupon book to her back door so nobody would know... There was no sidewalk out back so some days it would be muddy..
  7. That wasn't a machete.... That was my man-chete!!! Don't be jealous Howard....
  8. When I get done with this training I will swing by and have a pop with you... I will give you a shot with that right hook too and see if it can break the skin...
  9. Thank you Rosetta Stone for that correction.... I was referencing the mispronunciation by some other cultures... It was not meant with a negative connotation, well, not entirely
  10. Why don't you mobilize yourself and hop on that scooter and come have a pop on my front porch?
  11. When the government fears the people, there is liberty! Hahahaha
  12. Are you Hispanic? Unites States??? It's UNITED STATES... Or the United States of America! Get it right!!!
  13. Mr. Cletus welcomes all attempts on bloodying his lip or nose... I wish you luck. The only issue I take in all of this is that it's a violation of the T.O.S.... We don't need you going postal or anything...
  14. Let's be honest- you were no Paul Revere!
  15. I don't go that way
  16. Your story is falling apart- you claimed to be 82 previously... Maybe you are losing your marbles...
  17. That's convenient.... You remind me people I work around too. Those inmates are entitled blowhards that talk smack but won't do anything.... Lots of war stories, but grew up hiding under the bed...
  18. Shirl called- only had a second to talk, but she wanted me to let everyone know that she was thinking about us... I think Howard is getting hip to what's going on.... Good thing he blocked me, and I can say this without him knowing!
  19. Coward = Howard
  20. Where you from? Lee house is about to fall over... Hey now....
  21. The bottom of his man purse probably looks like a baboons ass
  22. I cannot contradict your report. Also, I think you're grumpy with me because I remind you of yourself as a young man. Can I call you pops?
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