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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. It started out as the old man, the the mutt came over and exerted his dominance on the same spot which sent the old man limping to the senior center
  2. Just heard Howard pissed on the carpet again....
  3. You could agree on a first name if she will agree on Kyle as a middle name... Then (depending on how badly you want Kyle as the first name) tell them the two names backwards when doing the paperwork... My wife was supposed to be Julia, but her dad messed it up.... Happens every day
  4. Starting to understand why Shirl asked me to acquire arsenic for her... I was a little skeptical at first, but now I am all in!
  5. Yes... I threatened her with a good time! Ask her about our get togethers!
  6. Actually found a way to compliment Howard
  7. Yes... I rub her the wrong way with the bad touch... That one that makes her tingle down there... She loves it!
  8. Always gets off on Twitter...
  9. But his "sons" name is Roger.... I think you are Howard!!! I think it's time to let the cat out of the bag... Who is Howard? We haven't heard from him recently... Maybe he died...
  10. My wife wouldn't agree to name our son Ralph... We have an RJW tradition... I got my second choice though.... Reed
  11. I regret that one too!!! Bought it just after the draft, took it to camp, got it autographed.... Then the switch...
  12. Going to visit my friend at the cemetery today... Have a beer with him. KIA in Afghanistan, July 18, 2011.... After that we are having some friends over to the house for your typical Memorial Day activities...
  13. I've said it before somewhere on here- and I will say it again.... Look at the games where EJ's headset wasn't working and he called his own plays and take a peak at his 2 minute drills.... When they take the leash off of him you can tell he is more confident and executes better. I hope this is an approach this regime utilizes
  14. He can carry 16 pounds of it in his rectum for 6 hours....
  15. I have some Ham for her spam
  16. Oh- no crap!! Hahaha... First thing that came to mind was Troupe and I was starting to vomit....
  17. He hasn't needed a toilet in years.... He's a baby wipe kind of guy
  18. Once Shirl explained Howard's condition, the authorities agreed to let this one slide.... Plus, exposing that tiny member was probably punishment enough!
  19. We go way back.... His Alzheimer's is getting worse and worse, he doesn't remember me...
  20. The fruit cake was symbolic of what my family thought of you... You're a damn fruit cake old man... We pissed in that iced tea, hope you enjoyed it... I don't have a problem with Shirl.... She's the best... I really don't even have a problem with your dog either, aside from sharing a name with you... Getting close to 10:00, time for your second dose of morning pills... Talk to you soon pal
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