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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Catholics have the option to go to Saturday night mass- start looking there- plus, they have a direct line to "the Man", hahaha I am pretty sure he's the therapist for "insensitive therapy".... Perhaps you were trying to suggest sensitivity therapy..., we could quite possibly have something resembling a TBDism here.... My opinion- if you're looking for some lovin' at all cost, hit her and quit her, if you're looking for something serious, RUN!
  2. I figured 2... But can also see all wins at home- hard to determine when I am looking through rose colored glasses or objectively... Injuries also influence things quite a bit, but for the first time in a long time, we have some quality depth
  3. I think I recall the talking heads saying something along the lines of Kujo being a high upside guy that was very raw and young (new) to football. I am quite certain that given that- the coaching staff would have never it him, I am pretty sure they knew what they were getting when they drafted him. I'm just glad that he appears to have the motivation and drive to do what he needs to do in order to be successful
  4. What about the '64 AFL championship??
  5. Has a classy avatar??? Lol I mean you CGF
  6. Glad to see Crayonz was able to create another account! Glad to have you (again)...
  7. That is only a couple hours from me... It's funny as hell!!! I had a blast!!!
  8. Ohhh, first world problems...
  9. CGF Will love watching the cowboys get destroys when they play on Dec 27
  10. I have all goes well- remember- if you really really like her, lie and don't wear a rubber!!!
  11. Not sure this had been mentioned, as I only read about 1/2 of this thread, I'm sorry if it has... Moving Glenn to guard would significantly decrease our chances of re-signing him. He's played at an acceptable level for years at LT, and when his contract is up, will command LT money. Moving him inside would hit his salary (I believe) about $4M per year... While that would be great for us, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work for him, and he would most likely walk and sign with a team willing to pay him the LT money to play LT- and you know we aren't going to give him LT money to play G...
  12. Let's not get me fired up again, lol
  13. Lol... Well- I wasn't making an all encompassing statement... Maybe I over reacted to those that pose, though... I'm sorry for over reacting....
  14. Or I've have been serving for over 15 years... I'm not trying to claim these things as fact- it's my opinions that I have drawn from observation... Go back to your basement...
  15. It's kind like being "Awarded" herpes....
  16. Ok- let me rephrase.... 1.) there most certainly are veteran organizations that will help veterans that have fallen on hard times- can they help them all, no. 2.) my rant was more or less pointed at those scumbags that claim to be vets, only to con people out of a dime. Regardless if they have served in the military or not, if they are too lazy to actually WORK for money, or they have a substance abuse problem that they have to beg people for money to help facilitate future "fixes"- I have nothing for them
  17. I don't give anything to those miserable lazy bastards!!! Those lazy F-ucks that claim to be veterans... That pisses me off!!! There are organizations that are more than happy to bend over backwards for vets- most of these douche bags are just lazy addicts!!
  18. I was pleasantly pleased when this link loaded... I thought to myself, "I wonder how long this guys neck is..." But I expected it to be about something else.... Very happy to see the giraffe neck!
  19. Matt "odds of making the team" Slimms
  20. I think I would rather have an aging Fred than Rice in his current condition.... Over his past two playing seasons, his production really dropped off... I wonder if his time off has rejuvenated him or if things kept deteriorating
  21. I will take you up on that bet.... 53 man?
  22. DC Tom Beerball BuffaloBill Mead107 Howard
  23. I don't buy the probability of this ridiculous claim, but I would really be surprised!
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