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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Hey Mary-in, you're going to be black and blue shortly if you keep pissing on the graves of service members !
  2. I will ride you like a horse Shirl!!!!
  3. I drive a Dodge Ram with a Hemi old man!!! My boyfriends name is Shirl and she is the cats azz.... Yes I'm a killer, whacked haji's, whacked deer, and all kinds of critters.... Come to the TBDAHOT and you an try some of my bacon wrapped critter.... Maybe you can get lucky and grab a chuck beaver- probably be the closest you've been to a beaver in 30 years.... Btw- pound salt!
  4. Armed serviceman.... You're about as armed as a freaking snake.... You're a glory whore seeking stolen valor, and I'm about to make the trip up north to show you what this hickabilly can do!
  5. Alright Mary, whatever you say... Just remember this- you time working for the postal service is about as equivalent as any other public service job and doesn't even compare to the sacrifices that our men and women in the military make... I don't know whether to call you Howard the Coward or just Mary.... Both of them make me chuckle!
  6. I'm here! Lol... Just working a lot of doubles and kayaking the Allegheny, checking my turtle traps- plus rattlesnake season came in a couple weeks ago... Been pretty busy! Lol What is that thing called that you use to clean your teeth??? I will just call you Mary for short there Howie... Listen- you don't control Shirl, it's 2015!!! She can use her "interweb" (speaking of webs- a little "thanks" for knocking the cob webs off that old catchers mitt of hers would be nice!), she can work, hell- she can even vote!!!
  7. Mary-in... You pathetic scum bag! Your "stolen valor" is disgusting! Next time you go down to the VFW, let me know, me and my fellow vets will make you wish we had a dog biting your ass, or you were just walking through the worst snow storm since '62!!! And speaking of the rockpile- I will meet you anywhere you'd like have this discussion in person! My bet is that Howard was one of those people that had a bullsh! T reason to collect free money from the government (probably claiming PTSD) after being denied employment from the post office!!! Just my 2 cents... Shirl- by the way, it's so nice to hear from you again- I'm sorry I haven't been able to swing by when Mary-in is out at the senior center, things have been hectic at work! I will make it up to you as always!!! See you tonight (winking face)
  8. 1.) Bills 2.) Pirates 3.) Penguins 4.) PSU Football 5.) Sheffield Wolverine Varsity Sports 6.) Sheffield Youth Wrestling 7.) Girl Scout Pinewood Derby 8.) Yahtzee 9.) pocket pool
  9. Still collecting a paycheck from the Bills whilst
  10. They must be going from anticipated 32nd place team to champs.... We gotta be the last one to air, right? Lol
  11. Was he trying to wrap her in a tortilla too??? He looks like he wanted some refried Becky
  12. Squirrel strew, bacon wrapped opposum, leeks, cowslips and a 12 pack of PBR
  13. We did bud... This was the worst concert experience of my life... The show was great, but everything leading up to that was horrible... We got to the field with our "field seat" tickets and were old that we had to go back up to the concourse and get a wristband.... They alleged that we were already told this- but that wasn't the case.... By the time we got to our section- there we no seats... Apparently they rearranged the seating and our group of 6 got split up... The only bright side of this was two people got moved from section L row 37 to K row 4, and the other 4 got moved up to section D.... We did end up with better seats- but between all this nonsense, we didn't get situated at our new seats until 3 songs or so into the Stones set.... The Ralph's crew and ticketmaster really screwed the pooch
  14. I will be there- at Hammers, you going?
  15. Because he fears the wrath of the board....
  16. I hope your wife came up with that name herself- lol!!!
  17. But we saved a pile of cash on that contract...
  18. Definitely the season opener!!! However you travel, plan on staying Sunday night... There are 2-3 star hotels nearby- motel 6 Hamburg or the Red Carpet Inn.... The second is easily walking distance to the stadium and the first is only a few miles.... Both a pretty much dives though..... If you are willing to spend $150/ticket I would look for anything lower level.... If I didn't have seasons, I would be looking at sections 123-135
  19. My wife and I are taking the kids down- haven't gotten tickets yet, but will definitely be there!!
  20. Who is Wayne Hunter??? Lol
  21. Looks like he disengages a lot and gets beat with outside moves regularly... When he crashes down he looked good, but who doesn't.... Seemed more like a Sammy highlight film than anything else, lol
  22. BUT 1% of his runs were home run type rushes that made him fun to watch.... If he would just be given the ball 100 times a game (hopefully before he pukes) that would be 1 big run per game.... Simple math fellas! Hahahaha
  23. Mrags says that this will be his breakout season.... Thinks he will become an all around back and possibly lead the league in yards and/or touchdowns.... Just thought you guys would be pleased to hear that he's come around...
  24. McCoy: "You're racist!! Take that!" Hogan: "ewwww, he's touching me!!!"
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