Mary-in... You pathetic scum bag! Your "stolen valor" is disgusting! Next time you go down to the VFW, let me know, me and my fellow vets will make you wish we had a dog biting your ass, or you were just walking through the worst snow storm since '62!!! And speaking of the rockpile- I will meet you anywhere you'd like have this discussion in person! My bet is that Howard was one of those people that had a bullsh! T reason to collect free money from the government (probably claiming PTSD) after being denied employment from the post office!!! Just my 2 cents...
Shirl- by the way, it's so nice to hear from you again- I'm sorry I haven't been able to swing by when Mary-in is out at the senior center, things have been hectic at work! I will make it up to you as always!!! See you tonight (winking face)