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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. "OHHH, I got a front wedgie!!! G look, a front wedgie!!! I can't wait to tell Caitlyn!!!"
  2. I've been married for 10 years... Even though I don't have the 30 year experience to share- I can speak for many men (not all) and give you the rundown on how most marriages work in that department.... Following marriage, it won't slow down right away.... Then you will have a child (supposing that's what you want). Following the child, it slows way down- that is, only until she wants another... Then it's all the time!!! Then it's back to very seldom.... It will be pretty sporadic... Sometimes it will be frequent, then you hit dry spells.... It will never be as it was before marriage...
  3. Loves to contribute to the board, even if he doesn't understand or care to follow the rules of a thread
  4. I was just thinking that maybe having him healthy and playing hard for half the season and dealing with a replacement for the other half is better than having an unmotivated and unproductive Wood for the whole season....
  5. The good news about Wood is that he hasn't been injured the past couple years- much unlike the years before that
  6. Took time away from his busy schedule of posting under multiple TBD usernames to hold Steve when JH was busy running shower boy off
  7. TRBJ- gave me credit for having 3 teeth, when I only have 1
  8. JB- you bringing some beer up again this year?
  9. Damn- I didn't realize San Fran was so piss poor
  10. Wears a condom when banging Shirl
  11. What about Jay Ajayi? Maybe not this year, but in the future years- let's hope for footballs sake his knees don't work
  12. Oh- I got the pics.... This my "who's the hottie" comment earlier... Lol Yes you have my number- you just sent me a text in Tuesday!!!!
  13. The menu was missing something between your Stromboli and my elk/venison
  14. Only bc I play fantasy football... Tannehill Landry Cameron Suh Grimes Miller Sheppard Sturgis Wake But that's all I can name from memory... I'm sure I can name more than 9 people on 15 other teams
  15. It was a great time... Mead and Chef decided to dress up as bikers so they knew who the other was.... Mead showed up looking like Lance Armstrong and Chef looked like something straight from Wild Hogs.... It was kind of weird watching them do their "lady and the tramp" thing....
  16. Beerball boofs doobies up his butthole..... Say that 10 times fast and he will give you 10% off...
  17. Cook em? Hell yes I want to cook em!!!! Thanks JB!!!
  18. Always willing to watch her cowboys lose on dec 27.... Fergy.... There's strike 1....
  19. These little bastards have become wise to the ol' peanut butter on a rat trap trick... Anyone have any other suggestions for bait or trapping methods? It's not often I seek advice for killing critters... Lol For the record, the last squirrel I trapped was named Bill Brady. He had 127 siblings and 346 children, I lured him with the afore mentioned peanut butter from his safe haven in the pine trees... I'm no dentist, but....
  20. You silly little man, you silly!!!
  21. Polite to the ladies... On another note- Anyone else find it funny that TRBJ is accusing me of playing the roles of Howie and Shirl???
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