If you get a chance, swing by the home side 35 yard line and introduce yourself to my wife and I.... We are row 1.... Tunnel side.... Congrats, making the hard and responsible choice certainly paid off!!! Have a great experience!!!
I saw one in a league I am in-
JPP's Finger Bang....
Loved it so much I stole it for other leagues...
I saw one in a league I am in-
JPP's Finger Bang....
Loved it so much I stole it for other leagues...
I think Howard is too busy posting under his real username. On the outside chance he is a real person- I suppose I'm going to have to whoop his unpatriotic, valor thieving ass!!!
I have several friends that work at a refinery near here.... They all have access to what the wholesale price is... It's insane!!! Like $1.35 per gallon....
I think he's going to wait one more week before he signs anywhere... Let more injuries potentially happen, or allow teams to see that they are struggling at WR, then let the bidding war commence.... Plus he's like 50, he doesn't want to go to camp!