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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. In PA, it means about the same, except with a hole already dug...
  2. We need to get a thread going and see if we can coordinate something for that trip, there seem to be A LOT of TBDnation going to that game...
  3. Makes me want to say "Fred who?" But I can't.... That man was one of the best leaders this team has had in the past 20 years... THAT has value
  4. Death... Then probably cape it out- have his favorite taxidermist mount it, and memorialize the life and death of said deer on his wall to be enjoyed for years....
  5. I wouldn't do it... Fleener is nice depth and could prove to be your starter, and JStew might get TD vultured by cam
  6. Probably Fred whacked it... He seems to have a bunch of free time in his hands now
  7. 132 row 1... Well, really row 3, but the first two rows are tarped
  8. Sunday ticket doesn't air preseason games
  9. Sounds like you have to be 18 or older to view that
  10. Follow your nose- raccoon and opossum have a very distinct smell...
  11. Those are pretty easy to spot... There are probably 1376 drunk Canucks running around acting like fools bragging about healthcare...
  12. Mike- you can't turn a hoe into a house wife...
  13. This!!! BuffaloedinPa taught me to reiterate my points to make them more valid...
  14. If TRBJ is there-l, that means there 3 users there
  15. Cooks, cleans, and screws like a porn star?
  16. A thread to announce a user name change? Wow... I think a thread to find out who Goward and Shirl are would appeal to a bigger crowd.... INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW, dammit!!!! I hope you are right, bud!!!
  17. And you forgot that he also is more accurate Ever hear the phrase "I could eat a horse"??? Well, he did According to wiki, they are both 215... Vick 6'0", Taylor 6'1"
  18. At the time he typed that, he hadn't eaten dinner yet, and was correct.... Only one inch different....
  19. I think we are more than fine at RB.... We just cut a guy that would start for some clubs, and those left on the 53 are better than him.... I know it sucks to think about Fred being gone- he busted his ass and was one hell of a leader, but it's about the product you put on the field... These men know this....
  20. Good luck bud!
  21. Exactly... I knew she was walking funny the last time I left her, but didn't think it would last.... ....... She fell coming out of the hair joint.....
  22. Did you guys hear about Fred getting cut??? Crazy!!! I'm super excited about the depth we have at RB this year! Go Bills!
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