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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Maybe it keeps man juice from splattering on the undercarriage
  2. What's the verdict???? Did you do the right thing or did you leave that sex juice mud flap intact?
  3. Is it nearly or is it exactly.... Come on man! SNITCH!!! Where I come from, snitches get.... Reduced sentences and free **** from security
  4. Delete one of the CJ sucks posts, we all Know he didn't mean it
  5. Do you have google?? Or maybe do you have earlobes? Hahaha
  6. That's to funny that the too of you want to use charcoal chimneys... I can bring one two!!!
  7. Soap and water it a novel idea... Hygiene isn't really an issue for most of the model world after the age of 12, but from 5/6-12 is kind if important, there is no denying that there is more room for uncleanliness with te extra skin... Ear lobes actually help funnel sound to the ears....
  8. I'm glad that you didn't get fired up with my last- was just trying to be a smart ass... With all joking aside, I think the OP is looking for suggestions and why/why not.... I've offered mine, but I would never NOT circumcise any son.... Hygiene is probably the biggest reason
  9. You sound like you're the resident expert on erect penises so u will defer to your knowledge of appearance and taste
  10. And of those 25%, how many do it down the line.... Let's ask women what they prefer..... Add in the hygiene aspect and it seems like a no brainer.... Not asking you to be sheep and follow the crowd... Just suggesting that you chop that worthless chunk of skin off
  11. If I can't sell my week 2 tickets I will have to find someone to take, but hammers lot is where I will be.... And if you find me, you'll get to me the mysterious mrags, the Stromboli man Mead, the fantastic Flutie, and maybe the pumped up Paul..... I can assure you that you won't see Mrs. Cletus that week.... The army calls
  12. Strong principles with a trimmed up foreskin.... Bc everyone knows that if you have too much skin down there, the ladies talk... That's all in saying...
  13. I might wear my Hughes jersey some appear expendable, but end up having an orgy in the parking lot
  14. I've never hoped for rain- especially on the tbdahot- but I think poor weather benefits us!
  15. If it's a saints game- absolutely.... If it's a TBDAHOT party? Yes, because mrags will be there.... If you have a Kiko jersey, I hear it brings perks!
  16. I'm offended... If you snip it, you can be like Howard and use it as chewing gun for decades....
  17. You love him... A LOT.... There is photographic evidence to back this up!!!
  18. Consider this.... Maybe every bullet went in the exact same hole at the exact same angle.... Maybe they are just THAT good!!! Why does everyone have to be so negative, geesh...
  19. Hmmmmm.... Are you really a doctor??? Lol
  20. I have taken the last 15 years off... I think my skills have diminished... CRAP, that's too long...
  21. Shirl doesn't drink milk, she's lactose intolerant... I usually make her toast (when she has her teeth in) and a cup of tea... It's the best reward I can give her after a rowdy night
  22. I'm in for this rather than setting one up myself, lol
  23. I have: Rudolph Cobb Philly He wants to trade me: Allen Robinson Jimmy Graham NYJ My other receivers are VJax, garçon, Julio, wright
  24. I have it figured out!!! Mead can't resist the Boyst hammer, do he avoids the home opener tailgate... Case closed!
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