Someone CLEARLY is grumpy once again.... If there is a mercy rule in place, great, honor it... If there isn't, continue to play by the rules. When we were young, if you got humiliated, it gave (most of) us the drive to become better and compete harder, we aren't all meant to be champions... What exactly do children learn about drive and determination when they become outmatched and the rules say to call the game or speed it up, so it's okay to quit if some authority deems you become outmatched??? I value your opinion, but don't think you really hit your own point, if you want us to start raising a generation of kitties, then we can change all these rules so little Johnny never learns to experience adversity, drive or determination....
I will also say, if my son was clowning someone, I would use that as a time to teach him respect, humbleness, and humility... There are lessons to
Be learned all around us, or we could just change the rules so our kids never have to experience that.... Well until they hit the real world and have to call their great grandfather to learn how to deal with real life