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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Ok- make him the highest paid DC and tell him to bring a friend to Buffalo to fill the role of head coach....
  2. I just posted the SAME thing in another thread..
  3. I'm being serious... In the last 24 hours I was accused of being snarky- so I just want it to be clear that I mean what I say.... (Weird, right?)
  4. Let's just throw money at Wade Phillips or Peyton Manning.... Start fresh
  5. KC last week, Baltimore this week- HOLY NAIL BITERS!!!
  6. Could we wait a week or two before completely writing Lynn off? For somebody that tries to constantly shred people's opinions, you certainly claim a lot of your own to be obvious realities...
  7. Have you seen the TT contract? Very team friendly.... 2 different outs with limited cap hits
  8. Is "czar" the lastest hot word on TBD?
  9. That's the problem with text style conversations... Virtually ZERO personal level to them and make them difficult to gauge the tone.... I know there are a lot of posters on here, but when I intend to be an ass, it'll be extremely apparent
  10. I hope this doesn't sound like I'm ripping the Bills, bc I don't mean it that way.... Any coach that can maximize the talent (even lesser talent) is a coach that I want coaching my favorite team!!
  11. I imagine this type of behavior doesn't happen if a coach is successful...
  12. Furthermore- after re-reading both my post and yours, I would content that your reply was that of snarky and uncalled for nature... The type of crap we don't need on TBD
  13. Smurfs.... LMFAO Well- they are blue at home games...
  14. Nothing about my reply was snarky... If you would please re-read it- I apologized if I had. I was actually hoping that it was stated from someone at OBD that getting the ball to those guys was #1 priority... If my boss got fired for not using the most skilled people, I too, would make a concerted effort to use those people, and if I were to fail, I failed with what my employers gave me to work with. Btw- I'm not part of the growing group on here that talks smack behind a keyboard... I prefer to have civil conversations and debate.... Hopefully if you decide to re-read my post, you will see how maybe you misinterpreted what I was asking...
  15. PM him on here.... HammeredALot Give him time- he's the second best roofer in WNY, so he's pretty busy....
  16. For some reason I don't want my time interrupted on here.... So I will leave JJ's mug outta here, hahaha
  17. I encourage people to rewatch that game when they can stomach it... A couple days brings perspective... Fitz played out of his mind and made some incredible throws.... Watch some deep comebacks to Marshall... The throws the ball before Marshall even turns for it- kind of like a real QB should... He played a great game and you had to give it to him.... Maybe it was more him being on fire rather than we suck....
  18. Oh- we are back to Tyrod... Lol- sorry, it's hard to keep up with what's going on when I keep getting just in the head by chunks of cloud
  19. I would hope that it's not a bad assumption... Like I said earlier... His predecessor didn't utilize players as many thought he should have and he was shown the door... Hint hint.... On a somewhat related topic, how many OC's an we go through in one year.... The line is set at 3!
  20. I see!!! You even tagged yourself...
  21. So people are assuming... Got it...
  22. Our nickel is the shortest and he is short at 5'8", but Darby is 5'11" (not short) and Gilmore is 6'1" which is big for the position... Just FYI.... Sorry
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