Crazy talk.... Roscoe, Graham, Goodwin, Listenbee.... Aside from the last one (which is yet to be seen), none of them can even come close to Garçon's ability
Someone has some bad information.... There's a fella running around on this board claiming that we are going to get rolled like Marcel's latest joint.... Is it winning by 10 or is it flopping on out face???
A guy that just bails on work after just recently receiving a promotion... And he's completely uninjured... I was going to say "healthy" but too many people know the truth...
I find it funny that you think like this after opting to leave work for several hours a year to meet with men for lunch that you met on a message board... If this crap hits 3 pages, it'll be a damn miracle
Crap!!! It's past 3 pages!!! The most obvious troll post in years is getting too much attention!!!!
True!!! How many times this year have we watched shady bust off a run, only to be chasing down Felton looking for someone to steamroll.... Problem is, shady usually beat him to the tackler... Hahahaha isn't it hell to have a RB with wheels?