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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. I was considering making a shitload of wings for the tailgate- but it requires someone in the area with a turkey fryer and propane.... if someone coming to the tailgate can supply that, I will bring wings, sauce and oil.
  2. I’m missing work Friday through Monday because I will be in HOUSTON for the motha fuggin’ PLAYOFF GAME!!!!
  3. We will see you, I’m sure... Boyst will be excited that we are all staying at the same place!
  4. mom not sure this is possible.... usually we get stuck with “odd you” ? Mrs Cletus and I will be in Houston Friday and leaving Monday morning. We have 2 extra tickets in section 322 for sale.
  5. I have two tickets to the playoff game section 322 row N.... currently listed on the secondary market, but would love to pull them and sell them to a BILLS FAN. We ended up buying seats right on the Bills tunnel as well.
  6. Holy crap.... this means war, you welfare version of Tom Selek!!!
  7. I guess when it’s too rainy to roof, you can always start drinking early, lol!!!
  8. “Bend don’t break” ”downhill runner”
  9. That’s not a cliche, that’s highway robbery and it’s real life....
  10. Catholic? We had to do the same thing... classes... blah blah blah...
  11. Called my ticket rep- it was Jerry Butler
  12. What players were used as bridal party? I saw Tally, Jim, Thurman, Tasker, Fred, Moorman, House,..... I’m missing at least one....
  13. Tickets for NE available?
  14. I really REALLY hope that we aren’t the victim to a pile of suspect penalties.... I hate to have a conspiracy theory.... but I’ve never seen a team or even a player have so many calls go their way (Patriots/Brady)
  15. Me- Cletus Jr is sick and can’t play in his game so we are going to make the game after all....
  16. Is a prime still available?
  17. I hate that I can’t make it this year!
  18. I have 4 tickets for sale... 2 in row 7 of section 122 (tunnel) and 2 in the first row of section 132 (35 yard line behind bills bench)
  19. To be clear- football is kind of nonsense.... message boards are nonsense... I don’t fill my life with weekend highlights- but when I’m watching MNF, I hope to catch up on the “to do’s” from the weekend in the league- not what white two-pack is spitting trying to earn enough to pay child support....
  20. For the rest of all time
  21. I will Not be in need of a parking spot this year. Gonna miss you guys!
  22. When you say nae nae..... did you whip first? This poor bastard has at least 3 fish on and wants to make sure he gets his camera time by smiling.... puss off and reel them lines in fat boy
  23. I mean... you crock pot hot dogs with cabbage... how am I supposed to know?? I can’t only follow my context clues...
  24. You’re a damn idiot....
  25. WTF does cringey mean??? Do you even speak English????
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