While I agree that there are fans that will buy whatever the organization sells, I’m not one. I like to look at all sides of a deal or situation and formulate my own opinion. My own opinion can even be changed based on good points brought up by others. As it stands now, Jason Peters continually came back or held out crying for new contract after new contract- screw that. Marshawn Lynch was one poor decision away from a year long suspension, and with all the crap he found himself in in such a short period here in B-lo, it wasn’t a stretch to think he would find that trouble before long (which is why we only got a 4th for him), and I’ve already explained my stance on the Dareus trade. Never once have I claimed that these players weren’t talented, the first two are/were elite talents at their position, but I’m not sold on Dareus... I was once sold on him, but I’m not sure if I was looking at his draft position and hype, or if it was his production.... either way, his recent productivity and attitude has be questioning what I thought I once knew....