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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Just my personal opinion- leave the kickoffs alone- they have already moved the kickoff to reduce the number of returns in an effort to compromise...
  2. While I agree that there are fans that will buy whatever the organization sells, I’m not one. I like to look at all sides of a deal or situation and formulate my own opinion. My own opinion can even be changed based on good points brought up by others. As it stands now, Jason Peters continually came back or held out crying for new contract after new contract- screw that. Marshawn Lynch was one poor decision away from a year long suspension, and with all the crap he found himself in in such a short period here in B-lo, it wasn’t a stretch to think he would find that trouble before long (which is why we only got a 4th for him), and I’ve already explained my stance on the Dareus trade. Never once have I claimed that these players weren’t talented, the first two are/were elite talents at their position, but I’m not sold on Dareus... I was once sold on him, but I’m not sure if I was looking at his draft position and hype, or if it was his production.... either way, his recent productivity and attitude has be questioning what I thought I once knew....
  3. Regardless of what anyone within the organization says, this was always a rebuilding year... you don’t make the moves they made early on and say it was to get better today. It sucks starting so hot and getting our hopes up, but it is what it is- a rebuilding year... we won’t truly see what these guys have in the plans until 2019
  4. The only flawed logic that I see is that you should include Massachusetts in the scouting area... they are born winners up there
  5. Leave Mr.Popular Alone
  6. Those should be proudly displayed in a tree, once you’ve harvested a buck....
  7. I have your back, pal.... (Bill, sometimes you just have to hitch your cart to the right horse...)
  8. If you wouldn’t have shot your hot dog street cred in the ass with all this crock pot and cabbage talk- this hillbilly in PA coukdnhave sent you some....
  9. Nice try pal.... you can’t post something like that and try and steal all his desireable attributes to make yourself more popular.... not everyone is cut out for a life of notoriety!!!
  10. Everyone that continues to evaluate this trade as Dareus vs whatever we get for that 6th round pick, clearly doesn’t understand the broader football operation and how teams are constructed....
  11. I’m not coming here trying to “victim blame” or anything, but it’s football... how many people have had serious injuries from a kickoff, 2-3???? These men know the risks, and they are paid handsomely to play a kids game.... you eliminate kickoffs, punts will follow, then they wear flags and the game is changed forever.... how can we eliminate the tearing of ACL’s???
  12. We can pay any fat dude to occupy space... why pay him QB money???
  13. KC and Ten sitting at 3rd and 4th seed.... I don’t think it’s inconceivable at all to think that either of those teams can lose.... obviously as it stands Ten is much more likely to fall.... playoff football is a whole new ball game...
  14. I need to see more than two games to be an apologizer.... I still think that ditching Dareus is addition by subtraction in a few ways- attitude, inconsistent effort, off field issues, salary cap.... but we will need to see more moving forward- are the Bills the team they showed weeks 1-8 or are they the team we saw weeks 9-10.... something definitely changed, it may be Dareus, but it may just be a down couple weeks,.. Hell, maybe all these teams aren’t go we thought they were...
  15. They took whatever was left of his manhood and dignity.....
  16. What are you doing shopping at Walmart??? Those anti-union Butt heads!
  17. If that’s the only thing you dispute, I’m thinking that you’ve already told all these guys everything they need to know...
  18. Any dogs that aren’t all beef are not just mixed with pork, but are mixed with all things that they couldn’t make into something more profitable.... grandpa used to call it “breasts, tails, and touch holes”..... mmmm he made it sound so appetizing You should start all these things with ”once upon a time, in a land far, far away...”
  19. Not sure how you feel like he f’ed Bills fans.... and all your other statements in that paragraph are just ramblings with no factual basis... keep it classy..... as always...
  20. Trust me.... you don’t want that... he’s probably the kind of guy that would force alcohol down your throat, heckle the opposing teams fans and get you thrown out of your seats.... but that’s just a guess....
  21. Didn’t you introduce yourself??? She must have thought we were all weird at the opener when we were calling you Jeff....
  22. Shouldn’t you mind your own damn business??? If the mods want this moved, they will move it.... maybe you need another vacation....
  23. Wouldn’t we have to rename Gugny “the ice box”? If you would untie her from the radiator, she would be able to feed herself!!
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