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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Back to hotdogs
  2. That’s an enema, Rand...
  3. Nah, I hear he has an evil slice
  4. I was exonerated.... the glove didn’t fit...
  5. Everything on this site can be tracked, I’m sure... and I’m just a dumb hillbilly...
  6. Joe votes democrat
  7. Unless it really was today and they told me tomorrow just to throw me off ?
  8. If you’re referring to the 518, that’s tomorrow
  9. Better make sure you’re really sick... you’re unprotected and since you’re unionless, I’ve been told they are just going to crap can you if you get caught faking I do hope you feel better... maybe u will call off as well
  10. Ohhhhh.... ? I would be careful....
  11. Are you a union member?
  12. Yeah... me too... next time you do it, thank a union... any union...
  13. I bet it won’t. Let’s not get crazy and act like all union members or members of teachers unions (whatever group you’d like to use) are bulletproof, untouchable, or however else you want to think of them...
  14. @joesixpack maybe they were trying to supplement their income so they felt better about not using taxpayer dollars for campaigning... jk
  15. Nobody is messing with CWD... we are shooting deer and Caribou now....
  16. That’s asinine... they are funded in part by taxpayers.... ok.... they WORK to EARN their money, and their union dues are taken out of the money they work for. What their union does with union money is union business, assuming it’s legal... it’s like saying teachers shouldn’t be able to buy cigarettes or booze with their pay.... (Don’t you find it a little funny that you want me to stay on topic in a thread that we’ve effectively hijacked?)
  17. You’d also be kidding yourself if thought that unions run everything... money alone doesn’t win elections. Politicians win elections with union backing and a stance of pro-labor and as soon as they get in office flip the script and run their own agenda.... there is absolutely no guarantees in politics, everyone knows that...
  18. Why doesn’t the opposition lobby?
  19. I wasn’t the OP of that, but I was impressed with that throw. Regardless of who was on the field, did NP not read the defense??? Did he not react appropriately and complete a pass with a well thrown ball to a WR?? Threw the ball before the WR even made his cut- I say it was nice vision, anticipation and execution.... I don’t GAF who was on defense
  20. WTF are you talking about??
  21. My reply that got lost was basically- they are attempting to protect their interested as any intelligent person should. I personally think it’s foolish to throw money at campaigning seeing as though it’s not a lock that your person will get elected, and even if they do, 9 times out of 10 nothing happens either way... the biggest issue that’s been brought up recently effecting this is the right to work vote which has been shot down on several levels across the country Tell a union official who negotiated a contract that he/she didn’t earn those benefits for his/her union body.... that they didn’t work for their people...
  22. You can try and derail a conversation by splitting hairs on a word selection if you wish, but it doesn’t change the facts I don’t know where my original reply went
  23. You’re an idiot ? They earned it through negotiation
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