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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. I bet I could catch them one after another.... I’m quite the fisherman... maybe your skills are diminishing
  2. Why would Great Lake states hold more clout that any other state???
  3. So you’re with us.... you’re cool with the carp... that’s good... because I was gonna say- if you were grumpy with anything, it should be with yourself and your Army buddies who let them through the locks and into the lake....
  4. Why is government the problem, and what the heck does the government have to do with fishes
  5. Oh- so you’re on board!!! For a second I thought you were against them! So many people these days are going delusional over these precious critters
  6. Confidence in what?
  7. Yummy Asian Carp
  8. What’s with all the sarcasm? Are you suggesting that those Asian Carp are the issue???? Have you see the the nutritional facts and read up on the sport fishing of these fish??? where else can you catch or hunt anything on an unlimited amount and kill them with any means possible aside from explosives GREAT for bow fishing!!!!
  9. I hear there is great sport in catching the Asian Carp... resembles the fight of a large mouth bass!!! Also a great source of protein for those of us who prefer to feed our dogs a raw diet And if there is anyone that knows everything about fish and game, it’s this guy! ???? https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/6324896 http://dogfoodchat.com/forum/#/topics/13903
  10. It’s easier to deal with smaller numbers... less likely to lose track counting to (in my case) 254, rather than 508.... when using a shorter distance (100m) you can use the one step pace count... usually around 120-130....
  11. Do they feed you MRE’s while working for the Dept of the Army? Do you salute your boss??? Do you carry a weapon??? Do you march everywhere you go? Can you tell me what the 3rd squad leader does when the command countercolumn is given??? Right foot.... because if you counted when your left foot hit the ground you would be counting your paces like this: “half, one and a half, two and a half...” and even the marines know that’s dumb as hell
  12. You step off with your left.... left, right= 1 pace... just the left is a step.... everyone has a different pace count.... it’s something that every person in the army/marines should know, their 100m pace count Some peoples’ kids...
  13. Have you served in the military?
  14. O D B!!! Not spelling out! ^
  15. Haven’t you heard- “Boss makes a dollar, I get a dime, that’s why I poop on company time”? plus if you poop 10 minutes a day at work, you end up with about 43 hours of pooping time... that’s like a free week... if you work in a production based company, or if your work will still be there when you’re done- that sucks
  16. 250 pace should be roughly 1/4 mile, if you count every time your right foot hits the ground.... my pace count for 1/4 mile is 254....
  17. Not much different, but try buttermilk...
  18. Oh.... BE CAREFUL
  19. Maybe he’s a Squatch...
  20. Throw to Antonio
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