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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. I'm in... I will educate you fellas... Lol
  2. Expected this to be like a surprise birthday party... Open the thread and BAM, noise makers, confetti, all the posters in here yelling surprise!!!! There I am standing there smiling.... And everyone rushes past me to mrags.... How embarrassing..... I will just be over here at the bar!!
  3. When I was at camp, this one player caught my eye, with his size and speed... On the way home I looked up our roster, it was Manny Lawson... 91, I just expected him to have. 50-something number... He was everywhere that day...
  4. Chan's reactions were catchy, though... After suffering the third turn over in a game, I would transition from yelling at the sidelines, to just standing there, silent with my hands on my hips... MAYBE shake my head... Extremely pumped to see this new team!!! Never looked forward to attending pre season games as much as I am this year!!
  5. Gore, Ridley, Jackson, Johnson, Richardson are not better than FredEx... I understand that puts him at 11... But that's more realistic than 16... We are talking skills, not Fantasy!!! Plus 40% of 'my' top 10 can't pass pro... Fred is the total package... Legit runner, pass catcher, and blocker...
  6. I just called Saturday 8/3... I got: - Sunday Ticket for free - NFL Max or whatever it's called for free - $15 off a month for 12 months - UFC 163 for free - movie channels free for 3 months - DVR upgrade for free -an additional $8 off a month for 12 months to cover the cost of the DVR service I had no great bargaining chip, like contract almost up, etc ... It's a good year here!!
  7. I also was watching it from my iPhone, and just over halfway through i gave up bc it seemed like the same thing over and over... And by 9:00 tomorrow morning this wont even be worth entertaining, hahahaha Go Bills!??!!
  8. What car you 'running' these days?
  9. Easy 'W'!!!! *arm extended* "here, have you tried this kook aid? It's AMAZING!!!"
  10. Granted this is a highlight reel, but there were some nice catches- battling for the ball and diving... What worries me about him being anything other than camp fodder is that for a guy with speed allegedly in the 4.2's there always seems to be a DB right on him.... Guess he can't get in and out of breaks...
  11. If my 4 year old son and I can wake up at 3:30 and drive over 3 hours to make these morning practices, most NY Bills fans should be able to!! Lets swamp these practices!!! (Ok, employed Bills fans will get a pass, but from what I see on Sunday's there aren't many) jk
  12. My earliest memories of the Bills are... Watching my parents cry when Norwood missed 'the kick', then making a poster with all my Bills and Redskins cards X'ing out all the skins... Then 2 years later, my parents divorcing, which I Bill-ieve was mainly due to differing opinions on front office decisions... Then the slump began... Now my wife and I have season tickets 3 rows off the field.... I take my kids to games... I vow to never let the Bills effect out marriage as it did my parents'...
  13. I spoke with Pat Kirwin for 5 minutes or more after practice and he agreed with me... Manuel looked good today... It was great to chat with him! Tim Ryan was too busy chasing tail and talking with buddies to follow the practice, so anything he says tonight on NFL Radio are either from Pat's notes or complete bull ****...
  14. A few days ago I was looking at it to see what days I was going to make the 3 hour trip up and the website had 7/30- Stevie, TJ, Goodwin... 8/2- Freddie and CJ... 8/4- EJ and Kolb... and 8/18- Mario, Kyle, and Marcell. I went on to double check some things and check times and now they have QB's tomorrow, RB's on 8/7, WR's on 8/4, and DL on 8/3... I am sure my spiked Kool Aid didn't effect my transcription of the dates and players THAT bad!! Could use some help from anyone local to the Rochester area... I will be taking my children up Saturday and Sunday 8/3 & 8/4 and am looking for a decent hotel in the area...
  15. Did anyone else notice that the schedule for players at the autograph tent changed drastically over the past 2 days?
  16. Thank you!! People see a $100M contract and expect 30 sacks a year... With half a season hurt, and surrounded by a subpar line backing corp, I was reasonably happy with his sack production... That being said, with a full season without injuries I expect more... Hopefully this hang nail doesn't turn into something worth talking about, like an ingrown toenail!!
  17. How is this even a story... You know it's day 1 of Bills training camp when someone is throwing in the towel on a player who is resting a minor injury... Is EJ a bum when he takes a day to rest his sore shoulder on day 15?
  18. Week 1 Buffalo vs. Miami - WIN Week 2 Buffalo vs. Green Bay - LOSS Week 3 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* - LOSS Week 4 Buffalo vs. NY Jets - WIN Week 5 Buffalo vs. Jacksonville Jaguars - WIN Week 6 BYE Week 7 Buffalo vs. Baltimore Ravens - WIN Week 8 Buffalo vs. Kansas City Chiefs - WIN Week 9 Buffalo vs. Chicago Bears WIN Week 10 Buffalo vs. Detroit Lions - WIN Week 11 Buffalo vs. Cincinnati Bengals LOSS Week 12 Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh Steelers - LOSS Week 13 Buffalo vs. Minnesota Vikings - LOSS Week 14 Buffalo vs. Cleveland Browns - WIN Week 15 Buffalo vs. Miami Dolphins - WIN Week 16 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* - WIN Week 17 Buffalo vs. NY Jets - WIN 11-5... Wishful thinking, but hey, ya never know...
  19. I play in all PPR leagues, so I'll go at it from that angle... 1. Chris Johnson 2. AP 3. (aka 2B) Rice 4. MJD 5. Gore I'm oldschool.... First 5-6 picks of the first round, I would go RB, just b/c the talent level tends to fall off... Rice could easily be picked ahead of AP in PPR format, but there are more mouths to feed in Balt. IMO... MJD is smart, and solid, and catches some passes, and Gore should not have to be relied upon so much, plus passing game will be better, eliminating 8 in the box EVERY down... As far as Bills... I took 3 last year, and I got them all REALLY late... Mind you, 2 of them were busts... After digging through my notebooks, I found that I drafted Freddie Jackson in the 9th round, Marshawn in the 11th and suprisingly enough to me I got Lee in the 13th... I'm a bit of a homer, but I felt that one of the Bills RB's would produce and Jackson did, and If anyone tells me they would turn down Evans in the 13th round of a 10 team league, they are full of it.... He still has that ability... (Never know when he will put up a line like: 4 rec, 207 yards, 3 TD)
  20. Where were you located in 137? We were 24 rows up in the middle of the row...
  21. That's pretty generous!! I love the Bills, but I think a 7-9 season in realistic... But things are looking up...
  22. This is only our 3rd year getting season tix, and our relocation date isn't until May 17th... We got lucky last year... we went from 336 our first year down to 137 (around the Goal line- 5 yard line) 24 rows off the field... Hope to get closer to 50 this year, we only have 2 tickets, so hope we can...
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