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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Ok... I have officially located Hammers lot.... What time does the shindig start for week one and what should I bring....
  2. Hide ya kids, hide ya wife...
  3. First, I would cut Brady.... Then run only the Statue of Liberty play every game with my long snapper at QB...
  4. Coincidentally, he also has 'puntreturnfortouchdownitis', which could prove to actually be a deciding factor in a game...
  5. How many people wi consider changing their username to that.... Ugh... Some people..
  6. Lmao!!! McKelvin's return ability is huge... One of the best in the league IMO... I'd say the risk is worth the reward!!
  7. As always... I will be in attendance... Ok... Maybe not ALWAYS.... But for reg season home games over the last 8 years.... Hahaha
  8. BobDVA.... Are you Leodis McKelvin?
  9. Anyone else experiencing a blackout? Or should I ask if anyone is fortunate enough to be watching the game
  10. Somehow it put me in twice.... Can the commish please remove 'Ryan's team 2' ... I am multiple scorgasms
  11. Even though we all saw the writing on the wall, wow...
  12. Typically up temp offenses run 10 or 20 personnel... Kolb has never been extremely fast through his reads, but he seems slower than usual, and you can run that type of offense checking it down, but that obviously is t it's intended purpose...
  13. Hahaha I see what you did there, GENIUS!
  14. Guess its my fault for warping this into fantasy... But in a typical scoring format, yes... But one of my leagues rewards team defenses 5 points per turnover, among others... SF had one game last year that scored 60 points... That's an anomy...
  15. Mrags... We must have been separated at birth... I typed this long response, then decided to read through to keep from repeating the sentiments of others... Only to find that once again we are one the same page... Do you have season tix? If so, where...
  16. I apologize if there was other comments in this thread as I didn't read completely through before posting (rookie mistake, hahaha).... I completely agree with this... If Tuel gets at least 4 full quarters over these next two weeks and produces like he has been, and Kolb continues to struggle and/or play Fitz-esque, the back up job is his to lose... I would love nothing more than to have Tuel show his vast upside; However, Kolb's contract isn't a big cap hit if he isn't the starter... Very cheap... Never want the young stud to have preseason surgery, but looks like this is the best case scenario at this point, given the circumstances... GO BILLS
  17. I am going to say that it was a positive that he didn't play the whole game! And he didn't slip on any rubber mats
  18. I wait for D's just like you.... That's why I got stuck with NE and Balt
  19. Buffalo has the second highest unemployment rate, and the 2nd lowest median income of all cities w/ populations over 250,000... And I Billieve our ticket prices are still hanging around 30th in the NFL... These people that are responsible for this article clearly tried to over think how to come to a conclusion.... I stand firm on my stance, they can lick Billy Buffalo's furry little Bison Balls
  20. Close the thread... It's complete horsesh!t....
  21. And with the 1st pick in the Warren County, PA. Fantasy Football Draft, I will select.... The Buffalo Bills Defense!!!
  22. Powell will be fine... Directional punting (never in my life have unseen so much writing about directional punts) is the most difficult kick for a punter... Sure he's a pro... But he has a big leg, and as long as he works on those directional chumpies in practice until he masters them, lets hope he sticks to the short back spin deals we saw from him last year....
  23. I have has two drafts so far, and I don't even consider if a player is an AFF East rival, unless I have two players that I like equally, in which case I choose the non AFC East player... I have drafted Vereen late in a 12 team draft, NE Def late as a back up, Rob Gronkowski.... Ok, I'm seeing a reoccurring trend.... Apparently I only draft Patriots.... But then again, I'm in it to win it... Hahaha
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