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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. I agree (again) with you 100%!!! The Ralph will once again be rockin', add the 12th man to the list of reasons we win this game!!!! Along with 13 days to prepare!!!
  2. Hahaha... I'm good with our deal... Total yards vs total yards... No push... I will give you 175 if it hits right on! (But it won't)
  3. We got this **** buddy!!! PIRATES are the best team in baseball!!!!
  4. HUGE PIRATES FAN HERE!!!! Was a great game to watch... I don't have any more finger nails!!!
  5. Lets make a friendly bet... Loser admits they were wrong on here... I will give oh 175 for the line!
  6. I love it!!! A near certain loss... Cleveland beat Cincy handily.... We were neck n neck with Cleveland.... I am optimistic, even with the current QB state!!
  7. I am going to cough my experience up to the fact that these hard working folks somehow got the day off of work in order to drink all day... I met MAYBE 4 fans that were complete asses... There is passionate, and there are the people I had the displeasure of meeting... Maybe I will give a 1:00 game a go some time!! Btw, yes... Sat in 539, a buddy has season tix
  8. Such as watching every team in the AFC East lose, opening the door for Buffalo??? Good call!!
  9. Effing THANK YOU!!!! Sick of the drama and bs about the season being over.... The entire division lost today, lets celebrate!! Technical he's a second string QB... If you'd like to continue to discuss how bad you feel we are, why don't you join a Pats* or Dolphins fan page...
  10. I'm just monitoring this site to make sure the sky isn't falling, and if indeed it is falling, I'm checking the status to ensure that it isn't in my direct area, but seeing as though I am located almost halfway between Pittsburgh and Buffalo, I'm guessing I am screwed... Although, thankfully the pirates won today, which may increase my communities chances of survival for another week!!! Please everyone, enough of the doom and gloom posts... This site is getting unbearable!
  11. Then you must be a browns fan....
  12. Anyone who selected Tebow should have to serve a one week ban as a penalty... Just sayin'
  13. Show me one linebacking corps that has 4 high end linebackers... Moats is a solid option for us!
  14. From what I witnessed there yesterday, that city is classless from the team, front office, down to a vast majority of their fan base!!
  15. Did that kid we had in camp get signed by anyone?
  16. Shawn is anything but an arrogant prick... Clearly I cannot defend his punt game, but I can defend his personality... I don't know where you heard that, but from all my experiences with him, that statement is inaccurate! Btw, I was the President of Powell's Posse... Hahaha
  17. I was at the game with my wife and brother-in-law (who's a Browns fan)... I mentioned how predictable the offensive play calling is... He tested me, needless to say I correctly called an entire series of plays... If I could do that from section 539, I'm sure the Browns knew what was coming 2 weeks ago
  18. I am in the minority with this... I agree he had some poor punts recently... But damn, my Powell jersey was set to arrive any day... Hahaha... He's a good dude, but personality doesn't win you ball games...
  19. As long as we don't repeat whatever D we ran on that TD drive we have a shot.... Play calling sucked a$$ last 2-3 drives!!! Keep attacking!!!
  20. I have often heard that too, but then I got these seats... Love 3 rows off... I don't seem to have too much of my view blocked by players
  21. They by far are not the best seats in the house, but I love them... 3 rows off field on the 35 I will sell you my two tickets for the KC game for $150 each, lol... Last two games Stevie's wife sat beside us... She'll be the one with the halter top made from a Woods jersey, lol ok, it's a Stevie jersey...
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