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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. I appreciate you you telling us your opinion on the subject.... it’s entertaining
  2. Or they moved it to protect an interest... why leave them there to be decimated when you can save them.... no conspiracy there... why are the expensive stocked salmon frying? Why is money going boom??? Was it Isis?
  3. Great Lakes Region
  4. Fish bring in more money that the locks system... you people cost the state/federal government/Army millions of dollars annually... Myers- please supply a link to substantiate your claims...
  5. Asian Carp rule
  6. Freaking Easter bunny is running the locks today... ?
  7. How are they wasting my tax dollars... sorry, I’m a dense idiot
  8. When you left the computer from the training, what foot did you step off with?
  9. So.... you go both ways? You just violated rule Number 1!!!! Disclosed the non-disclosure.... REPORT REPORT!!!!
  10. Ohhhh, now it makes sense... he’s mad because the Asian Carp are getting no love because they aren’t as sexy of a game fish as the salmon and can’t get Illinois DCNR money from a special stamp.... it’s likely that his hate is derived from the lack of love from the ugly duckling....
  11. Isn’t there a mysterious shipment coming through??? Hey, speaking of shipments... ever found any drugs or illegals???
  12. (I would have come up with a better lie.... New Orleans isn’t anywhere near Chicago) and inwould never ever give out my secret for catching them.... some people will do anything to learn my tricks!
  13. http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153-10364_18958-45663--,00.html Yes they are stocked
  14. http://www.mlive.com/midland/index.ssf/2011/02/should_congress_vote_to_ultimately_close_chicago_shipping_locks.html I say yes....
  15. Because NY is a state of integrity and they have better things to spend their time on.... #mariocuomo “Upon thy wicked dam come down...” I don’t know why you are quoting Shakespear, but I’m still here, and still paying attention....
  16. Oh of course it wouldn’t be the locks fault... how dare I suggest such a blasphemous thing...
  17. Why are you calling me an idiot and I’ll-informed??
  18. Well... PA is first a foremost a state of great outdoorsman....OH is a state first and foremost of Lebron James, and NY is a State first and foremost of the Buffalo GOD Dang Bills, but we are all GREAT LAKE STATES!!!!
  19. Doesn’t the regulation of water levels cause the influx of carp with shallow warm waters. Who’s the dumb one now??
  20. How dare you suggest I’m dense.... pretty sure name calling is against the TOS... lol.... is that why your reputation game is 1, are you always mean?
  21. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Lakes_region is this still still accurate or is it out of date?
  22. I’m just using the words that you send... are you suggesting Illinois isn’t a Great Lake State????
  23. Isn’t your river and lake so polluted that it’s considered toxic? Love the city, but it makes sense that it’s so toxic because of how dirty things are out there
  24. We have fought hard for years for equality.... maybe you should kneel for the anthem to raise awareness of the lack of clout that the northern states such as Illinois and Indiana carry... and how do you bow a fish? Wouldn’t a bat be more effective? You can’t use a push button control on a lock!!! Silly, it’s a hand crank, his arms are sore, that’s why he’s grumpy!
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