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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Mrags wanted to let everyone know that Kiko is gonna be on Jim Rome between 2-3 but he can't log in to tell anyone
  2. Wake won't be a full to if he plays at all... And miami's front four isn't hear cincy's...
  3. DON'T START FREEMAN!!! I would start Bardford above Thad, and Thad above Freeman... but what do I know... Anyone in this thread in the TBD league?
  4. The bride and I will most certainly be there!!
  5. Some one suggest you haven't said enough!
  6. We all know it isn't the nfl approved bags, the Pom pom's or the towels that get us in the gate... It's the team. It's the game. I just don't get why people have to complain about white outs, how many Pom pom's they are giving out, or any other trivial part of the experience... The point I was trying to make is that there are people on here that do nothing but B word. They take a negative side to everything. I totally get that you or anyone else might not like the idea about it, and that's fine. Far too often people make mountains out of mole hills... Just gets old. Btw, SJBF, how's everything going?? Plan on going to any more games this year? Pretty sure you said at the tail gate party that you were only making the opener...
  7. It is a life contract... And they are both Zombies... Undead... We are hosed... Someone needs to steam roll those knees again
  8. FINALLY!!!! Relevant statistics!!!
  9. New north: Steelers Browns Bengals Bills New East: Dolphins Ravens Jets Pats*
  10. The same ones bitching about it are the same ones on here with all the negativity... Then if we lose, come on here with some ridiculous statistic about how we have a losing record with white outs, or something insane like that... It the team wants to have a link out, WEAR FREAKING PINK!!! It's about supporting your team... Something that far too many people around here find difficult.... Maybe one week they will hand out rose colored glasses... Maybe that wi help! Hahaha
  11. Looks like a nice 9-7 season!!
  12. I am interested to hear mrags take on this... Haven't heard from you in a while... Where are you???
  13. That is the most illogical explanation I have ever heard... It's probably really easy for you to back that up considering its an opinion... What will be your explanation when/if they go on a winning streak this year?? What happens next year when we are in contention or in the playoffs?? So much has changed at OBD that there is no logical argument to be made for your statement... The only thing left from those teams are archived records on bb.com and a few players that actually have talent... I will try to remember that losing breeds losing... That is of course unless we start winning... Then losing breeds winning... And Finkle is Einhorn...
  14. If you are unable to grasp the sense of optimism, and cannot see the difference between this team and teams of the past 13 years, I hear the Astro's are looking for a fan base, lol!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! It all comes down to baremetric pressure in the Southern Hemisphere and how it relates to the rising cost of bananas...
  15. Nah... Their board is mostly optimistic, discussing what they need to do to win... Several on here like to live in the past 13 years... I particularly loved reading about how they fear our offensive weapons, and d-line... They feel our secondary is where they can win, we'll I have news for them, gotta have time to throw to exploit that... Not only that, but with Byrd, Gilmore, McKelvin, and Williams in there, throw in Searcy (who I like situationally) I don't think it's as weak as they expect... Look back at that board Monday and read all the shock and awe about how we thoroughly won that game... Would be pretty sweet if Carpenter had the game winning kick... But would love to win by a couple scores!
  16. When they prove they can win... Personally, this team has proven a lot this year. Under a completely new coaching staff, with several rookies in key roles, this team has been in position to win every game. Last year we were 3-3 after 6 and in our 3 losses we lost by a combined 86 points or something like that. I think this team has already proven against a top offense and two top defenses that it can compete on a weekly basis. I am not denying the fact that we may run into a buzz saw one game along the way, but after reviewing 6 weeks of the season against teams with multiple strengths I don't know how anyone can say that this team doesn't have a legitimate **** at winning any game they are in. I'm not suggesting that this team will blow 4-12 out of the water, or that I think you are insane for your opinion, bc everyone is entitled to it. The one thing that fires me up though is when so called fans can't hold out even a shred of optimism even when things are moving in the right direction. I hardly think that anyone even has to study this team to hard to verify that this is a completely different team than we have seen in years. I will give a larger window of my prediction than most, but I believe it's very realistic given what they have proven this year. We will go between 7-9 and 9-7. I am anxious to see how many people on here are claiming how great these Bills are next year with another solid draft class. The same ones calling for the heads of FO and coaches. The same ones claiming its the same team bc of poor coaching challenges, injuries, and a losing record... Again, EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion, I just wish some people would keep they eyes open during game day and hold some sort of optimism, rather than fall back on 13 years of losing to draw their conclusions for the future... This is OUR team!!! And btw... The PIRATES made the playoffs!!! Lol
  17. I watched it a few times and the initial call was the right call, then it appeared he caught motion of the whatchamacallit and hesitated... Either way, the spot of the ball was going to be reviewed as it was inside of 2 minutes in the half. I think the fail Mary call has them all gun shy, lol
  18. Meeks to IR/ designated to return
  19. I am not going to spend all day defending my position. KC has had a pretty solid defense, and offensive weapons such as Bowe and Charles. Adding Smith helped a lot this year... I am not going to spend all day defending my position. KC has had a pretty solid defense, and offensive weapons such as Bowe and Charles. Adding Smith helped a lot this year, along with a proven veteran nfl coach...
  20. Last year through 6 games we had one more win, but our 3 losses were BLOW OUTS!! We have been in position to win every game this season. Thus is a team on the rise. Can't gain total roster depth in one off season. And you crying about injuries shows me all I need to know about you football IQ...
  21. Indeed it is. But this team and organization looks and feels completely different than anything we have seen in at least 10 years...
  22. If you honestly believe that, you need your head checked... In one year the talent on this has been increased dramatically!! We have been in every game this year!! Once our youth gains experience look out!!!
  23. Not a chance! Momentum was clearly on our side...
  24. Poz had 22 broken forearms, not tackles...
  25. Very nice!! I couldn't agree more!! After facing the 6 teams we have, and performing the way we have, I have no doubt we can win any game the rest of the year... Previous years in games that were close was due to opponents getting the lead and squatting.... We are in EVERY game this year!! Great things to come!
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