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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. What did I say my MO was? No program is designed to fail... people don’t dump time, effort, and money into something knowing/hoping it will fail... that’s why you lost me But I’m dense...
  2. You wore me out... I can no longer debate issues when you continue to pass of opinion as fact... or common knowledge... no offense... just not getting anywhere... that fishery collapse comment is where you lost me...
  3. Rosen in Buffalo!!
  4. Hide the salami??
  5. For what? I’m back... game on!
  6. Mary.... Mary Schafer... owners of that quote.... you have me so confused- you’ve flipped more than a 15 year old gymnast... I will be driving for the next 90 minutes I’m in the real Army.... we don’t run or swim away... or paddle..
  7. Ok Mary.... that wasn’t very original... although I assume since it came from someone else that it’s probably true...
  8. squirrel!!!!! Educate yourself on bowfishing rigs before making assumptions....
  9. WTF does this have to do with the price of tea in China???? Serious question.... do you have ADHD?
  10. Redneck Nirvana??? Don’t bring Mr Cobain into this!!! From a true redneck- bow “fishing” seems unsportsmanlike, irresponsible, and dangerous.... randomly launching an arrow into the unknown? What happened to identifying your target??? What happened to ensuring that nothing is between you and your target, and making sure nothing is beyond your target that could be in harms way.... what if the arrow ricochets??
  11. Maybe it’s time to tip off the local authorities.... hope you have all your floaties and paddles.... hope you aren’t inadvertently violating any fish and game laws... I know a guy.... he’s RUTHLESS!!!! SGT Voight.... perhaps you’ve heard of him!
  12. I’m guessing it’s their version of roadkill.... Or road hunting.... can’t catch them in a respectable way, so he talks them into submission, much like he’s trying to do here
  13. I’m just gonna leave this right here... You backpetal more than Stephon Gilmore
  14. Don’t try to get me and look at the shiny object.... the point is that you said they couldn’t be caught and you were wrong.... AND you hijacked a perfectly good Asian Carp thread with lies and mistruths...
  15. “Catching them hand over fist” There is bait and a hook... you’re just upset that you couldn’t outsmart them.... and you can’t admit when you are wrong, and clearly you’ve been proven wrong... what else have you been wrong about.... ohhh the lies!!!! It really hurts being lied to... he thinks we are stupid... he even told us as such....
  16. Weird... is that someone catching a Carp with a hook???????? Seems like that shoots all his credibility in the ass... way to go Mr. Creek
  17. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/02/06/us/politics/iowa-regaining-relevance-in-gop-presidential-race.html Since you asked...
  18. There is only one thing invasive around here You know... in these Great Lake States... and NO is isnt CWD, you goofball!!!!
  19. All locks fault
  20. Nobody even asked about any of this.... unless they are carrying Asian Carp somewhere, it’s WAY off topic I’m not even sure all that made sense...
  21. Now you’re claiming that even though it’s twice as expensive and takes exponentially longer, shipping via waterway is the most sensical because of its environmental impact??????? You’re delusional!!!! If that were the case, I would have to pay $10 more for waterway shipping rather than priority air! Why do you insist that it’s eveeyone else that’s wrong or misinformed? Is it impossible to conceive that perhaps maybe your opinion isn’t as accurate as you insist it is? And I still don’t understand why you hate salmon so much... Oh, btw... I’m a week late, but thank you for your service in the Army...
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