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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. And the live look in cuts out as we are going for it on 4th and goal from the 2.... Really???
  2. Live look in coming up very soon on NFLN
  3. Who was the short yardage and redone back again?
  4. No biggy- it's my fault, already in 4 others... Good luck to all in your league
  5. Debating on buying it... But will be in attendance for the home games.... I don't know...
  6. She's a looker!!!
  7. %1000th post... Boy... This is fun!
  8. How is the video quality on the preseason pass thing?
  9. We are flying in. Closer to Erie than Pittsburgh... Are you going to Lincoln Station Saturday night? We will be arriving Thursday morning, hitting the Cubs/Pirates game Friday night, Lincoln Station Saturday night, the game Sunday (if I can somehow acquire tickets) and flying out Monday.... Then prepping for the TBDHOT the following weekend... You should come out!!!
  10. Pretty sure we only had 2 flags...
  11. You had me until I saw the league fee was $200
  12. We are a rebuilding team, and when you have a roster like we did a few years ago, there was very little to be impressed with. Unfortunately it's almost impossible to turn that over with a roster of solid starters and quality back up. I think for the most part that this team has done a damn fine job at improving the starters and adding depth... Sure, there are still positions that need addressed, but that list is WAY shorter than it was just 2 years ago
  13. He should have entitled his piece "does cheating really affect anything?"
  14. I have always hated hotel and public bathrooms... I assume that I will see you several times between sept 4-8....
  15. I have several.... Lol
  16. Funny... I'm more concerned over what they interpreted "beaver" to be... Hahaha
  17. It's obvious they are keeping Nikki Carr for a reason other than her comedy... That pisses memoff
  18. No wonder his back hurts!!
  19. Dear Gugny, There's less than 0 chance my mom would ever %dirtyballs... With love, AJ McCarron
  20. Opossums still have the fur... If anyone just wanted the carcass, they are free!!! Maybe for the TBDHOT next year I will bring some coon and beaver.... Word on the street is that beaver is really good too!! Let the beaver joke commence...
  21. I need to start making pro sports team accounts.... Be right back...
  22. About 30... For real though... I catch about 30-40 raccoons a year... I have heard people love them... Never tried them... Those are free!!!
  23. I'd sell some unskinned opossums for $1
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