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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Proves my point.... reading pamphlets don’t give you experience....
  2. I assume this is all crap you’ve read in a book... because you have ZERO actual first hand knowledge on this subject...
  3. Fixed Nowhere does it say that you can’t call people what they really are...
  4. I mean... who are we to argue with him.... I’m inclined to agree...
  5. I hope they have get out of jail free cards as well!
  6. I haven’t banged anyone named Cliff
  7. Makes the best coffee spaghetti
  8. You’re confusing your mother’s words.... you’re the son of the MILK MAN.... and I’m sure she milked him for every drop.... Please research all this to fact check... I know you’re new around here but EII likes to make unsubstantiated claims and Sweet they are facts.... he’s confused on the definition... a fact is not a thought bouncing around in your head ?.... as long as you understand that Asian Carp can be caught by a baited hook, you’re good with me! But really..... check the “facts” You never boned anyone on the route... all you did was run from the dogs, and bring a bucket to service the cows....
  9. Or Pooj can just come up to camp.... his camp is 5-10 minutes from my house....
  10. Thanks for your service... there are several employers in the area that are military friendly, and state jobs should offer you veterans preference when it comes to hiring... tell you what, I will give you MY military benefits if you locate, track down, and physically assault Howard so bad that he spends some time in the ICU... Shirl and I could use some sexy time...
  11. Willing to help get those hard to reach places...
  12. Offers free shower service
  13. Good story teller
  14. Not the best “baited hook” fisherman, but he tries really hard...
  15. Some days I figure it’s not enough
  16. Cyber bullying.... like, someone just talking smack online??? Weird, seems like turning off the computer would have been a better option
  17. Quality cheese recognizer
  18. Which also reminds me... why isn’t my user name in Green???
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