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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Skanks.... No freaking way... They will be in jail soon
  2. 15.... I think this is a leak that Hogan makes the team...
  3. He read it on the internet...... After he typed it...
  4. JohnnyBronze now holds the top two troll posts ever!!! Don't you remember the 0-16 thread a while back?
  5. I want two- will place my order Friday- payday,.,.
  6. Can't we all just get along?
  7. I would love to see a video of the OP jamming away furiously on his keyboard typing that post.... His room probably looks like that of the kicker from Ace Ventura....
  8. JohnnyBronze has got to the be off his meds again- cut him some slack... In only 2-3 short months he has called himself a optimist, a pessimist, AND a realist.... Predicted 0-16, then 4-12, then 2-14... Overreacts to every single aspect of the game.... Bipolar paranoid schizophrenia is a horrible thing, we should all be supportive of him in his time of need... In all seriousness- if I ever want to commiserate with someone about how the sky is falling, the ship is sinking, and the world is ending, it's clear now that I can PM the OP...
  9. Lol- I already have the new Watkins piece... Where can I get this $10 nameplate?
  10. There is still time to change it, lol
  11. Taint wart!!! Hahahahaha
  12. Does the word awareness mean "money" to you??? How exactly do you raise awareness??? I highly doubt that anyone dumping ice water over their head is any more aware of anything than they were before... It's a damn fundraiser.... One that requires little effort... Meanwhile, my kids are selling freezer pizzas and candy bars for some BS at the school....
  13. Will you guys help me raise awareness for stupidity??? Stick your hand in a fire and send me $10, refuse and send me $100... All proceeds will be used for me to tell people how stupid they are....
  14. There will probably be just as many home runs hit as there are TD passes.... For the Dolphins.... Lol
  15. Hmmm... Which jersey to wear.... Stevie, Fitz, Whitner, Evans, Poz, Maybin, Edwards, Lynch, TO, OJ, Tasker, Kelly, Reed, Powell...... Hmmmmmm
  16. I see the OP's DB buddy found his way here to vote....
  17. I'm not against it...
  18. Where do you get one of those bad boys? The deer and the chair... Lol
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