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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. I'm not trying to get in this battle you guys are having, so I will just say this and "moon walk" out of it... A lot of times The Dean may say something that seems to be offensive, but if you know how he posts, 99% of those posts are meant to be playful. Not saying this is the case here... Carry on..
  2. Can I come up there and crash at your joint and do some hunting??? I want to whack a caribou and a moose Elks???? Smh
  3. I've never felt so special!!! Ok... Maybe "special" is slightly more accurate! He's claimed himself to be an idiot... Visit the "best first line of a song" thread...
  4. I have all the traps you will ever need... Need me to send them to you? Dog proof traps.... Even box traps work best in urban areas....
  5. If so, he's an idiot!!!
  6. Schlereth is too... Yeah, I jacked his name up
  7. Schefter and Bruschi were ripping Roger. New !@#$
  8. Teddy Bruschi says Roger Goodell is not that man, he needs to step down right now
  9. Btw- was it mentioned that he was 17 minutes late? Shlereth just said; "he said absolutely nothing up there" Glad we aren't alone But he holds himself to the highest standard
  10. I hate the fact that these people want to continually bring up the race of people.... That's one of the largest contributors to any perception of racism currently...
  11. Internal experts that are people of color.... Are you kidding me????
  12. TMZ got the video with one phone call... Goodell allegedly never called the casino
  13. Goodell is talking a lot but he isn't saying anything... Wasted presser.... It's all about face time to him
  14. What just happened there??? "Im Benji, don't take me to an elevator"????
  15. Go to bb.com and watch any video... This is our time! The other years they said that, they were mistaken... This is for real for real our time... That's what it should say
  16. If there was a "Hall of Very Good" he would be there.... But most certainly not the HOF... As a DT he needs to be over 100 sacks I would say
  17. I will be terrified every week if the results stay the same!!!
  18. Are you referring to Becky Boyst? Lol
  19. If you have horrible luck, start him this week!
  20. He's looking more and more like a mental midget... Not someone that I want on the team I cheer for
  21. I forgot to add [\S] I like the drive and competitive nature he possesses... He's just a crybaby sometimes... Rivers is the same way
  22. I don't think I could date anyone under 26... Most women under 26 are so immature it's repulsive...
  23. That exchange was totally unprofessional...
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