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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. The OP is a verified Pats* fan!!!! Compete with that!!!
  2. Does this count?
  3. How much medication are you on? What are you shaving??
  4. For sure this won't be the last post- although it should be
  5. I hosed my garage roof down a week ago... Damn thing still won't cave in, hahahaha.... Jk....
  6. Just think... We could have had McCoy, FredEx, Spiller, Ingram, and Murray for only $35M/yr... End sarcasm
  7. Has he not taken two teams to the playoffs?? He's capable, something we haven't had in YEARS!
  8. I just want to put a few things out there that I think a lot of people fail to consider... 1.) there are only a small handful of elite, all around RBs in this league (and we just got one) 2.) we aren't spending big $ on a QB so we can afford to spend more on other positions... 3.) an elite RB will take the pressure off of a passer 4.) teams have proven that they can reach and win in the playoffs with QB's that aren't studs.... 5.) I am forgetting things- I will add on as I remember them...
  9. Warning points??? Ain't nobody here scared of a warning point!!! Hahaha Found out how to delete.... Now I'm just hoping that this rumor comes true... Hahaha
  10. How do I just delete it? I feel foolish- damn rookie move
  11. I am far too busy to start fake twitter accounts- actually, I was under the impression that it was legit, then when I realized it wasn't verified I tried deleting it... I'm not smart enough to do it on my phone... Kind of just hoping a mod deletes this or that it is found to be fact, lol.... Certainly not doing this for attention...
  12. Is this source BS? Never heard of them...
  13. Now just saw a second source stating this.... Could both be bull ****, I would feel better if this was removed until something concrete is announced. Sorry for jumping the gun
  14. Back to work, and on the days off remodeling the house.... These 3 moves are really getting me fired up again.... The dining room can wait.... VERNON DAVIS!
  15. Anyone else hear that? I guess Schefter is the source
  16. He's lurking... I speak with him from time to time....
  17. I could do that.... But I'm not into undersized, and about to be overpaid DE's and LB's that are products of their supporting cast.... Hahaha
  18. Even if he was going to get cut, it doesn't put him in a Bills uniform... If the brass felt like he was the guy they wanted- they get him.... This board has criticized out FO for inaction over and over....
  19. Thanks bud! Nice to be back.... Who do you want me to drag along with me? Lol
  20. If you feel that you have to agree with every move to be a fan of a team, I hear philly is light on support.... (Joking).... The signing of Cassel- by no means says that they won't draft a QB.... The plan that our front office is putting into place cannot be accomplished all at once..... They also can't come right out and tell everyone their plan. Let's sit back and see what the finished product looks like after FA and the draft....
  21. I can go with that. Maybe a low risk/cost- high reward guy
  22. I don't.... I can see drafting a developmental prospect, but this is just my speculation.... I can see our FA focus at OL (guard), TE, LB, or maybe a bigger WR....
  23. I'm going to give a shout out to the scouting department as well as Whaley for the LB finds...
  24. I'm still running through scenarios.... I also hear Peyton took like a $4M pay cut... Makes me wonder if that is to keep Julius.... I can see them making a run at Iupati and giving him something like the Levitre contract.... Think Revis would be too pricey.... Not sure you can get Iupati and a better TE.... Lots of options.... I can't wait!
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