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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Pretty sure you mean "self of steam"....
  2. We all need help.... Hahaha
  3. Oh- I must have gotten off topic... I thought we were talking about something else....
  4. I love when the bills play the steelers in the preseason at home... I like in NE PA and I can sell my tickets for double face... Steelers fans are crazy
  5. If all else fails, try astroglide..... That stuff is amazing!!!
  6. This is freaking awesome!!!! My faith in baseball is renewed slightly!!!
  7. I see what you did there!!!
  8. But what if Wisconsin won??? Where are all the Cameron Crazies defending the game? Lol
  9. Thanks!!! Just got the tickets I needed!
  10. Is always great at pointing out fungus shout is more like a young girls scream
  11. Kyle, Fred, Marshawn, Kiko, McGahee, Losman... There really aren't that many recently or currently that are worthy... Maybe Moorman
  12. This should be titled "JB's porn"...
  13. Can you see me there in the background???
  14. They make a tool for a drill called an EZ out... It's shaped like a cone with reverse thread.... As you are drilling it in, it will bite and back the screw out.... Two pages worth of lube talk and no one mentioned spitting on it?
  15. Got the season ticket holder code today.... PM me if you need it. Sales are through ticketmaster.com and go on sale at 10am
  16. Chef has the best sausage..... Wait... Umm...
  17. If it's in the next few years, my wife and I will do all we can to be there... If it's after 5 years, add my son to that mix.... If something happens and we can't make it, I will be surrounded by my Wife, children, and parents in my house. I any imagine benign able to drive after that game, even if I don't drink! Lol
  18. I'm going to call my rep again tomorrow and see if I can get more info... Will share...
  19. At least he didn't lose with the same kind of class that Kentucky did, lol Remove 'Duke' insert 'Pats*' and now we are talking about football- lol
  20. This is by far my best bracket ever... 6 of the final 8, 3 of the final 4, and the correct teams in the finals... All I need is for Duke to pull it out!!! Unfortunately, it's the first year in a while I don't have $ on my bracket....
  21. Is it ever? Lol... I would, keep your eyes open for Mr. Optimism!!
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