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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. Somewhat lost in these two semi mind-boggling moves is the fact that the Bills have now gone from $30M in cap space to a mere $16M or so and that's IF they don't give into Shady and Drew's contract demands which many think they will. Hard to see how the Bills have much hope at all of resigning Hughes, Searcy and still bring in the OL help they desperately need. Or being that much of a player in free agency at all. They went from being in the top 3rd of teams free money wise to the bottom 3rd and free agency is still 6 days away. Ugh.
  2. Too early to say season over, fire Rex? This is INSANE. Trading ANY picks for Cassell. This may be the worst move I've ever seen. Trading picks away for garbage at a Raiders / Redskins pace.
  3. I want my Kiko back Kiko back Kiko back
  4. If Kiko isn't crippled for life this makes no sense at all.
  5. Mind blown. Positional valuation alone this is insanely stupid.
  6. I just don't think too much of Polian anymore. Seems like everyone gave him a pass for basically hollowing out the colts. They are Luck and not that much. Add to this watching him the last few drafts for ESPN, he always seems to get it wrong. I can't think of the last time he said something bold about a player that came true, or even seems plausible at the time. This isn't sour grapes over him not coming back, I think he is a classic old guy that the game has passed by. Until he starts hitting on some of his big predictions / evaluations I really don't think he brings anything more to the table that the average fan does.
  7. Love the idea of the red helmets as part of the throwback unis. I think I'm the only person on the planet that hates the standing buffalo. I'd almost like to see them go all under armor with it and do a special occasion red out. The old red helmets and an all red uni with blue and white trim. Call it code red, maybe match it to the color of Brady's blood that the Bills will draw first match against the Pats next year.
  8. Here in DC it's impressive the way the narrative is changing. Last year the Bills were seen as a universal joke at this time last year. I cleaned up last summer by betting almost everyone I talk sports with $100 dollars that the Bills would win 8 games ore more. Some even gave me odds. Marrone's departure brought out a lot of the "same old Bills" comments but Rex's hiring has changed all that. Now non Bills backers ask me what the heck was that dummy Marone thinking? It's nice to see the change it's also nice that the criticism of the Bills is that they really can't go too far with EJ even though they clearly have one of the best Ds in the league that Rex may make even better. Now it seems the consensus is that the Bills are a flawed playoff contender which after the last 15 years is an amazingly positive change. I work with a TON of Boston transplants and it's nice seeing them a little uncomfortable with the idea of facing Rex two times a year with the Bills D.
  9. +1! And slamming the Watkins trade is easy enough using hindsight but the Bills finally got a true number one they've lacked since Moulds left...and did so with a combo of picks that likely won't equal what Watkins is longterm. Everyone mentions Odell B as the guy they could've taken but just as likely the Bills would've grabbed Ebron at 9, which everyone at TBW would've likely cheered. Ebron plus whoever the 19th pick is this year won't be anything compared to Sammy. And the genius of getting Hughes for NOTHING can't be overstated. Bottom line is even ignoring the Sammy trade, Whaley is pulling out multiple high quality starters from each draft. Not just players who fill holes for the Bills but players who could play for any NFL team. If he keeps that up for another 5 years the Bills could be a perennially SB contender again. Why not give him a shot to do it? What GM have the Bills had the past 13 years before he took over who's done any better?
  10. Heck yeah. Orton showed he's still Orton....AND he has a player option for next year. Time to give EJ one last chance and let him close out the season. Good or bad, draft a QB in the second and hope a care taker EJ or Orton can keep this team entertaining enough for the first half of next year...assuming EJ is still EJ.
  11. 1- Kelly Holcombe 2- Ryan Fitzpatrick 3- Insert other examples of retreads here who look good for a short bit but then regress to their mean career averages.
  12. Trivago is keeping pace...that guy wants to help you book a hotel room...then....don't ask.
  13. DL - 50% non-Williams OL - 100% Suck
  14. Dear Seantrel, Do you hear that? It's the sound of the world's tiniest violin and it plays just for you. Sincerely, Russell Wilson
  15. EJ may bust....but Fitz has already busted out.
  16. EJ could be a bust, but the Bills couldn't deal him for anything at this point and no QB they have or would be realistically able to bring in, would offer any more hope. Might as well see if he's a bust by letting him play out the string this year. If he tanks, he tanks and the Bills can grab a QB at the top of the second round next year.
  17. Nope turned ESPN off forever.
  18. ESPN just ran a segment asking if Sammy was a bust....speculating he might be. He's looked amazing in camp and he's played two series of preseason ball. I am an ESPN defender usually but this is just insane by any definition.
  19. Great news then, Bortles will be available on the cheap in about 3 years and the Bills can have him then. Like Gabbert the Jags will eagerly deal him for a bag of doorknobs soon enough. I get that Manuel may not be the real deal, looked bad last night, but please set your sights a little higher than Bortles for a savior / regret.
  20. Lambeau Field. I've gotten more grief wearing Buffalo gear in Buffalo tailgating areas than in Green Bay wearing Buffalo gear.
  21. I think a lot of people miss the fact that the WNY region would be near the top of the list once LA gets a team. The reality is it's hard to impossible to name a city in the US capable of supporting an NFL team that 1-isn't LA, 2-doesn't have a team, or 3-have a team so close that an owner / multiple owners would heck about placement. Now that isn't to say the NFL wouldn't locate the team in TOR, but I think the region would have a team in less than a decade if the a Bills did move.
  22. "Logo was designed by native Americans" I appreciate when people start out by stating a lie as fact. It saves us all the time of having to read the rest of their nonsense.
  23. Finley can collect $10million in cash if he doesn't chose to play again. I don't know if I'd want a player too dumb to pass that up. He'd be passing up a guaranteed $10m for what? A chance to make $2-3 guaranteed up front and maybe die? He could do great things in a Bills uni, but for his own good I'm hoping the guy uses what little he has rattling around in that dome of his and retires. For his own and his family's sake. People say it's a hard choice, but it isn't, people in the real world make truly hard choices every day. This one is easy, get fabulously wealthy and don't play a game that will cripple you slowly or kill you quick.
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