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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. I heard the real reason both Lori and Tim left was that their skin was so thin that typing hurt too much.
  2. Eagles love vick also, and they just ditched mcnabb for a guy (kolb) who might be a reincarnation of rob Johnson. The eagles are dumb.
  3. FedEx is a total dump. The layout of entrances / exits...getting to seats is a mess. If you pop out to get beers, you have a 50-50 chance of being back in 30 minutes. If you drink a lot and need to hit the pisser you'll find longer lines than any man's restroom should have, because they didn't put in enough fixtures etc. I've sat in $110 seats, the nose bleeds, and a number of places between, and I can say I've never been in a worse NFL stadium. Add to that the Skins traded one of the better downtown stadium locations for a port-o-potty in the middle of nowhere, but I guess location wise it isn't much worse than the Ralph. The Skins built that **** pile overnight to try to get it up before Jack Kent Cooke croaked (failed) and the results show. Snyder would have fixed it up along time ago but he seems intent on chocking every penny out of his current situation until he sucessfully lands a better deal to relocate within DC, MD, or VA.
  4. As an aside, NO stadium in the league is worse than FedEx field.
  5. Ever seen the movie Idiocracy? Stories about the survival of morons like this make me fear for the future of our species.
  6. Vegas 55 is right that the $1 purchase idea would not fly for the IRS. It would be categorized as a gift because fair value wasn't given as consideration. One thing Ralph could do if he wanted to maximize the money he could pass on to his kids / etc, is to sell the team now, while lower capital gains tax would attach, and move the money off shore to be liquidated at his death. Many jurisdictions do not have an inheritance (death) tax, so as long as Ralphy was cool with have his assets kept and will administered in such a jurisdiction, his heirs / beneficiaries could pick up their whole share tax free. I think the reality is that Ralph knows that even if the fortune gets slashed by 30-50% it's still more than his kids will ever be able to spend, and it still represents an insane windfall given what he paid for the team and how little he had to put in $ wise to create the value he now enjoys. I think this is an old guy who loves running an NFL team (even if it wasn't his first choice of locals) and he knows the second he sells it he's out of the business...and potentially hated if the team packs up and leaves.
  7. Staying sort of modern.... Jerry "Condo" Crafts anyone?
  8. Williams and Winfield would be my top picks, but Marcellus Wiley had a couple pretty good years with SD after leaving the Bills. Nate Odoms tore his ACL before ever playing a down with the Seahawks (charity BBall game) and Nate Clements has seemingly played his way to the bench in Denver so I guess neither of those really merit consideration.
  9. From the ego point of view...Donte Whitner.
  10. I agree about the Saints, but Stars have been late to the releif party becuase BP, a foreign corporation, is directly to blame for this entire mess, and as charity work is in many ways a zero sum game, subtracting from worthy efforts to direct to anything that might ease the economic burden this mess caused is ridiculous. I might feel different if I hadn't just seen that BP has sunk more money into adversitsing their releif effort and lobbying in DC in the past month than they have put towards cleaning up their mess.
  11. Not trying to be too big of an Edwards apologist, but do you think there might be a difference between the team Rob Johnson had around him and the team Edwards had around him? Johnson had a defense that was ranked near the top of the league (meaning the offense wasn't forced to play from behind, got the ball back quickly, and often benefited from great field position), an offensive line that still was pretty solid, (A LOT better than the current Bills line) and a better overall receiving corps. With all of this RJ did marginally better than Edwards statistically, and no better record wise, so I don't know that the comparisson is really fair or balanced.
  12. I will lose my mind if we have to endure any more of Fitzpatrick. As bad as Trent has played, there is a SLIVER of hope he might play better....that he could develop into something more. Brohm is in this same sort of category except the sliver is a little bigger. Fitzpatrick is, and I'm trying to be a polite as possible, the equivalent of afterbirth. There aren't even the rements of a decent QB filling out the # 14 uniform. Starting him is like saying they not only have no one to play at the position, but they don't even care about even possibly developing anything for the future. Fitz is an undrafted 5 year vet who will at the best hang around the league another 4-5 years as roster fodder or a below average backup.
  13. At this point, I think we can all agree that Trent Edwards is the greatest Bills QB ever, and anyone who has a problem with that clearly hates America and freedom.
  14. Feeling a little dumb...though I still stand by my statment that the Globe and Herald break more than ESPN Boston on the local scene (Though insider links from the main page are darn close). Now if you'll excuse me I am going to go drown my sorrows in a bowl of TO Cereal and wash it all down with a Labatt Blue. I've got 4 boxes to get through and their expiration date is fast approaching.
  15. I guess Leonidas might have gone a little overboard, but Tim seems more than a little on edge about it all. If anyone here has ever read / participated in one of his ESPN Insider chats on ESPN, they'd see it's riddled with people trashing him / fighting with him. He seems to enjoy the fight, or at least bring it out of people with his occasional wise*** statements. I don't know why he'd expect things to go that much different on TSW. To quote Rex Ryan, we're not here to kiss his rings. As an aside, I found his defending of ESPN Boston based on comercial success to be ridiculous. I was born in Boston and am a Sox fan from the age of 5, and ESPN Boston is an abortion, to put it politely. It's a great site if you want to find out what happened a week ago, but it is horridly maintained and always out of date. "Scoops" or Insider / Local info usually runs on ESPN Boston about 2-3 days after the Globe (Boston.com) or the herald report on it, and often 1-2 days AFTER OTHER PAGES ON ESPN.COM report on it. As proof: the headline RIGHT NOW on ESPN Boston is about Lackey pitching on Patriots' Day. (Which was April 19) The second lead is about the ramifications of the Garnett suspension and whether or not it will hurt the Celtics ability to move on. For those who don't know that series wrapped up LAST WEEK and KG had a pretty decent night last night as the Celts took game one of their series against the Cavs.
  16. If Captain check down or Brohm is the QB, Spiller provides a better receiving threat than TO. I dislike Gailey as an HC but as an O Cord., there is no doubt he will be able to get far more out of the middling talent the Bills have at QB and WR. Now if the Bills would just trade for Gaither or Barron I could really start taking some gulps from the 8-8, 9-7 kool aid.
  17. A large difference is that the Jets and Titans are contenders for the playoffs this year and could use even low picks to better fill remaining holes. The Bills are building for the long haul and even a thrid round pick next year probably represents better value for them than a 4th-6th this year. Even the hope of a better pick but having to settle for a 4th next year might be better, as the roster is likely to shake down a lot this year and their percived needs right now might be quite different going forward.
  18. They aren't too cute...just plain dumb. Josh McDoofus is trying to be baby belicheck, but he won't be around too long at this rate.
  19. I didn't...but I do have to admit I lost my mind over Eric Wood last year...so hopefully I am 100% wrong on this one also. I'd love to see him be the second coming of Ted Washington or Pat Williams.
  20. Maybe I over reacted. Troup can play OL and block for our number one pick right? Oh he can't...well at least we have a great OL already and there were no decent OT values with higher grades from all the analysts left on the board. People also complained quickly about Whitner, Maybin, and McCargo. Bad picks are easy to spot...good ones are a little more subtle.
  21. REACH. Better value could have been had in Clausen or Brown. Troup, Cody, or Cam Thomas would have been there at the Bills 3rd round.
  22. LaCanfora has about the same IQ and sources as a retarded spider monkey. For what it's worht though he might be right for once, as ESPN Insider and other sources all seem to confirm any trade is dead.
  23. As much as I personally hate the guy, I would easily give up getting a good LT for Big Ben.
  24. Another problem could be if Fitz / Trent / Or Brian led the Bills to a 5-0 record with the schedule they have this year, none of us would be around to appreciate it because it would be a sure precursor to the apocalypse. I remain convinced after watching 2012 that that is what the Bills are building for, to be a SB team right before the world ends.
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