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Everything posted by jr1

  1. I don't know why we expected miracles from Thad when he was undrafted
  2. Sean Astin will play him in the Bills movie
  3. He's the best option for ownership regardless if you're a Republican or Democrat
  4. I like having a former head coach on the staff even if it's only for a year
  5. First rounders usually get top dollar even if they disappoint
  6. I'm weary about an Ally McBeal cast member buying the team
  7. P. Manning, Ryan, Brees, Stafford, Brady and Flacco had over 600 attempts last year
  8. He has great hands but is a ticking medical time bomb
  9. He's Winston Churchill meets Asafa Powell
  10. Kluwe embraced LGBT to give him a lifelong speaking fee income stream
  11. That chap probably frequents BDSM establishments
  12. Disappointed there weren't any M113 armored personnel carriers
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