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Everything posted by jr1

  1. anything short of a Hickey Freeman suit is undignified
  2. Mario, Marcell & Jerry are the official personal injury firm of the Buffalo Bills
  3. he needs to wear an ascot and dinner jacket
  4. still being punished for the red socks
  5. Jameis sees Jimbo as a substitute teacher and he can get away with anything
  6. Schopp will hang up on Sammy's Groin on The Hobby
  7. I loved hearing him try to keep his cool during calls on his radio show
  8. Sensei Kyle Orton has taught Sammy the drunken fist
  9. I'm shocked a porn loving GM signed a guy with a porn name
  10. He went to the Manning Camp. Good size but wonder what level of defensive competition he faces in the Sun Belt Conference
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