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Everything posted by jr1

  1. some "juggalos" will probably show up if tickets are free/ heavily discounted
  2. Rambo's motivating the players with Vietnam stories
  3. Kiko and Rambo vs Lake Effect at WWE Survivor Series
  4. he has 407 yards in 10 games
  5. it's BS like baseball umpire strike zone fluctuations
  6. He's afraid of his wife yelling about the mortgage if he takes a chance and gets fired because of it
  7. the forum is hanging up on him like Mike Schopp
  8. Marrone promised Colton Schmidt's parents he'd get him in the game
  9. "My dad's a gynecologist. He looks at vaginas all day long."-Kindergarden Cop
  10. The league knows how to play against Kyle now. Before no team still had a VCR to watch his old games
  11. the Bills get a special needs tax credit for having him on the team
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