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Everything posted by jr1

  1. possible nightmare scenario with Matt Simms starting and Chris Simms on color commentary
  2. he's the annoying teen jock that gets killed in many a horror movie
  3. this is the worst day for Buffalo since the William McKinley assassination
  4. he hired a makeup artist to distract people from his own dirty play
  5. poor Titan has to see all these negative articles about his father
  6. Time Warner Cable Sports Channel reminds me of Empire
  7. is there school lunch code like if you pick the pizza over the burger does that mean you want sex?
  8. people his age post stuff like this to be edgy. No big deal
  9. the most corrupt team in sports and all we heard about on Sundays is Myra's charity
  10. Jerry Hughes will ensure this handsome young man will spend time at a local medical facility
  11. I love how the site quotes George Washington at the bottom to defend the Cheatriots
  12. the good old days when they were in the ab scissor infomercial
  13. New England is a culture of corruption
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