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Everything posted by jr1

  1. Rambo has Vietnam flashbacks and hits Darby
  2. multiple pro bowlers on offense. Rex's d was the weak link
  3. Andrew Breitbart and Michelle Malkin warned conservatives about The Donald
  4. The weather channel naming every winter storm is embarrassing
  5. if Corey McIntyre's agent could read this board than anything is possible
  6. a guy afraid of radio hosts can't instill toughness in a team
  7. “Meredith was really tough. He got beat up so bad in his early years. His last game, up in Cleveland, he came out of the hospital to play with a broken rib, a punctured lung, and pneumonia. I saw Meredith's nose broken so bad that it spread all over his face. Looked like a raccoon.” —Bob Lilly
  8. can't heroin buy more upscale food than McDonald's?
  9. she used to brag how much she made and how she was a "boss"
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