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Everything posted by jr1

  1. Shady is the Bills' official instagram party planner
  2. Puerto Rico defaulting, Sports Authority closing 463 stores. Everything is awesome
  3. so many micro agressions so little time
  4. Titan will have a hard time adjusting to a new dog school
  5. they go after people while Top 50 U.S. companies hold $1.4 trillion in cash offshore
  6. Not going to lie, I like the Malcolm Mitchell pick by the Pats
  7. as a wise man once said "it's on like a mofo"
  8. good pick. You never know about McCoy's extracurricular activities and Karlos' concussion history
  9. they got sick of Fitz's oppressed multi-millionaire routine
  10. these clickbait whores only care about instant gratification and don't care about long term consequences on their reputation
  11. Jack must be really !@#$ed up
  12. how do you get a head coaching job after your team goes 6-10 with you as offensive coordinator?
  13. Christie looks like an MKUltra subject when he stands behind Trump
  14. Manziel had a 32 on the Wonderlic. Does it really even matter?
  15. ESPN has turned into a tent city
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